Thursday, December 26, 2019
Money Can Buy Happiness. .Most Of Us Are Familiar With
Money Can Buy Happiness Most of us are familiar with the old adage, â€Å"Money can’t buy happiness,†but few question the validity of the statement and its meaning. The debate: ‘Can money buy you happiness?’ is a spirited debate that has been argued since currency came about. There are those that side with the popular saying and argue that money has no relation to an individual’s happiness. Those in support of the expression, â€Å"money can’t buy happiness,†state the claim that true happiness stems from internal feelings of self-worth, where meaning in life is naturally created by doing good, acting justly, and abiding by purity. Those that dispute the saying and believe the opposite have found a shared commonality in several contributing†¦show more content†¦If it were true, that there is no link between money and happiness, why have economists studied this connection for many years? In fact, in just the past 30 years, studies have shown there is indeed a significant association between money and happiness. Over the course of these studies, it has been determined that people in rich countries are far happier than people in poor countries (Maich 1). The relationship between wealth and happiness has even been described to be, â€Å"more complicated than the romantic entanglements of any Desperate Housewife†(Futrelle 1). It is true that the connection between happiness and money is intricate, however, the link is measurable. Based on a study done by the University of Michigan, it was found that, â€Å"a higher income leads to a greater sense of well-being,†which in turn, contributes to an individual’s happiness greatly (Kurtzleben 1). While the opposition argues there is no apparent link between wealth and happiness, it is clear to see that there is a very real connection between the two. Additionally, wealth and happiness now appear to be far more dependent on one anothe r than we may have previously come to terms with. It is ironic that the opposition, who argue there is no real relationship between wealth and happiness are the very people arguing that, if there is any link between the two, money only contributes to temporary happiness. Both of these arguments can be rebutted swiftly. It has already beenShow MoreRelatedThe Night I Learned That Money Can Not Buy Happiness906 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"That Was the Night I learned that Money can Not Buy Happiness†Ten years ago. One night I meet my friends at a coffee shop which we spend our time there weekly. It was a high-class coffee shop and expensive. Most of people there were rich. My friends are rich, so they do not care about spending their money for anything because their parents will give them more. I am from Middle class family and I collect all my money for the week to spend it with them at the coffee shop in the weekend. When IRead MoreAn Inside Look at Hedonism Essay606 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is hedonism? Maybe most of us do not familiar with this word. Whereas, we could be a hedonist subconsciously. According to Cambridge Advance Learner’s dictionary, hedonism is living and behaving in ways that mean you get as much pleasure out of life as possible, according to the belief that the most important thing in life is to enjoy yourself. We called the people who do hedonism as a hedonist people. Hedonist connotes someone devoted to his own sensual pleasure ( NowadaysRead MoreCan Money Buy Happiness?891 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"Can money buy happiness?†has been a cliche question for centuries, and there have been numerous studies and debates on this topic. Yet, no one seems to have a definite answer. In the video Money and Happiness, Michael Norton states explicitly that money does bring people happiness if you spent it on other people rather than on yourself. Although his interesting and novel answer is contrary to people’s natural instinct, it makes me reflect on my past experience of spending on others, and helps meRead MoreThe Price Of Happiness By Carl Richards978 Words  | 4 PagesPrice of Happiness Does the thought of a brand new pair of shoes fill your heart with joy? If so, would you still feel the same about those same shoes ten years from now? Most likely, the answer to the second question is no. That is the point that Carl Richards is trying to make in the article, The Odd Relationship between Money and Happiness. When searching for a topic to write about, I came across this article. I found it on the New York Times website. Richards claim is that money does notRead MoreFinancial Stability Is the Most Important Factor in Ensuring a Happy Marriage1112 Words  | 5 PagesFinancial stability has always been regarded as the most important factor in ensuring a happy marriage. It is the pillar that holds a family together just like how pillars (the foundation) are imperative in preventing buildings from collapsing (good analogy). Without financial stability, marriages often end in divorce. A recent poll by the Jiayuan match-making website has shown that sixty percent of 1000 women are not in for ‘naked marriages’ this means that more women will only decide to tie theRead More Materialism in Todays Society Essay1649 Words  | 7 Pagessociety. Materialism has been defined as the theory or doctrine that physical well-being and worldly possessions constitute the greatest good and highest value in life. (Heritage Dictionary, 3rd ed.) This means that we look to possessions to bring us happiness. We then use these possessions to make things and people behave or respond the way we desire. We have become so successful at fabricating and manipulating the world that we have come to believe that altering our surroundings is the way to solveRead MoreGreek Mythology : The Odyssey1099 Words  | 5 Pagesintroduced the ideas of life lessons, and they can also gives us humans in general basis to our common beliefs. Furthermore, Greek mythology helps us get to know ourselves, and it can aid us in the process of seeing how capable was as humans are. The Odyssey is one of the more familiar Greek myth written by Homer in the 12th and 13 century B.C. Homer incorporates key concepts of life in most of his stories, but the Odyssey to be specific, might have had the most impact on the human race. The common influentialRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald785 Words  | 4 Pageswith his spending for gatsby money must grow on trees. â€Å"On week-ends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight, while his station wagon scampered like a brisk yellow bug to meet all trains. And on Mondays eight servants, including an extra gardener, toiled all day with mops and scrubbing-brushes and hammers and garden-shears, repairing the ravages of the night before†(Fitzgerald). I can only imagine living life likeRead MoreThe Cult You re By Kalle Lasn1683 Words  | 7 PagesThe phenomenon of consumerism is quiet powerful due to the impact on individu al’s lives. Society has come to the point, happiness is associated with consumption. However, the way consumerism works, is if the items being purchased gives temporary happiness. There individuals are always buying the latest products to remain happy. In the text, â€Å"The Cult you’re in†Kalle Lasn, discusses a cult-like nature of consumer culture on Americans. Lasn uses the work ‘cult’ as a metaphor; he does not mean anRead More Brave New World - A Wake-Up Call for Humanity Essay1522 Words  | 7 Pagesin science and technology, and we are becoming more and more socially dependent on it. In the Brave New World, Huxley states that we are moving in the direction of Utopia much more rapidly than anyone had ever anticipated. Its goal is achieving happiness by giving up science, art, religion and other things we cherish in our world. It is an inhumane society controlled by technology where human beings are produced on assembly line. His propheti c elements of human beings being conditioned, the concerns
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Auditing - Cardillo Travel Systems Example
Essays on Auditing - Cardillo Travel Systems Research Paper Cardillo Travel Systems Q1 The Security and Exchange Commission has a legal man to protect investors or the public from unscrupulous public companies that will falsify their account to portray a certain financial image. Investors or the public rely on the published accounts in making their decisions on whether to invest in a company (Dicksee, 2009). As such, if a company published inaccurate financial records the investors or the users will be deceived into investing in the entity or otherwise. Auditors are tasked with the duty of ascertaining that a company maintains proper internal controls, there is proper recording of an entity’s transaction, records meet the relevant provision of accounting and auditing and most importantly, the records make a fair representation of the state of financial affairs in the company. To establish the above matters, the auditor will seek clarifications from the accounting department and the company executive. If the company employees fail to pr ovide the much-needed cooperation to enable the auditor do his work properly, then the auditor should. In this case study, Cardillo’s executives cooperate with the intention to deceive the auditor. An amount $ 203,000 was recorded as an income that would be received in the current financial period yet it was a negotiated amount subject to a contract for expenses incurred to shift systems. The executives sought to justify its inclusion by deceiving the auditor. As such, they can be sued for making false representation to an outside auditor. The amount was to cover expenses relating to a shift from the American Airline Sabre system to the United Airline Apollo system. If Cardillo did not incur any cost in shifting from one system to another then the amount in question was refundable to United Airline. The amount was therefore receivable in certain issues transpired. Cardillo executives, in particular, Smith have a duty to disclose the true nature of any transaction in their boo ks. Cardillo as a public company has a duty to maintain accurate financial records. The entity’s transactions should be recorded correctly in the relevant accounts. Nonetheless, Cardillo’s executives are looking into ways of making the reimbursement to be received from United Airline seem like a income receivable in the current financial period yet the source documents relating to the transaction state that the two entities Cardiloo and United Airline are still negotiating. In addition, the income would only be receivable once the contract expires and Cardillo incurs expenses in transitioning from one system to another. Once the ruling on the suit was made, the executive are obligated to make a communication to the SEC with regard to the implications of such a ruling. Before the ruling, Cardillo was experiencing liquidity challenges, which were worsened by the judgment, which required the entity to pay $ 685,000 (The institute of internal Auditors, 2009). Such a matter should have been reported immediately to the SEC since it is material nature. The Cardillo executives violated provisions relating to insider trading which prevent managers or company insiders from using privileged information to buy or sell shares or stock. In the above, case Rognlien breaches the provision by reducing the stakeholders’ shareholding below three million dollars as set by the court. In addition, the details of the sale of stock were not disclosed fully. Rognlien should have disclosed the details fully prior to making the sale. Such a sale may result in the plummeting of the share value, which would result in losses for the members of the public who have invested in the entity. The SEC has a duty to ensure that such activities do not transpire in publicly traded companies. Q2 The AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct establishes the way in which individuals in the accounting professional should undertake their professional work. It also establishes their responsibilities to their employers and the public while also listing a number of values that should guide them. In the above cases study, there were numerous violations of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct. Smith was a reporting officer at Cardillo, whose work entailed recording transactions. He realized that the amount $ 203, 000 could not be recorded as an income for the current period as it was subject to negotiations and the organization incurring certain expenses. In this case, Smith was right to object such a step that would have compromised his integrity as an accountant (AICPA Professional Standards, 2013). Smith was therefore complying with the code of conduct while Rognlien was in contravention of the provisions and values of the code of conduct. Lawrence as an executive al so contravened the AICPA’s Code of professional conduct since he lied to the auditors that the amount $ 203,000 was a receivable income. The auditors were systematic in their work and later corroborated the details of the transaction. Shepherd, the auditor supervising the audit, complied with the provisions by approaching the suspicious transaction objectively and independently by corroborating various opinions on the matter to establish the truth. Q3 Cardillo executives’ action outside of the auditor compromised the ability of the auditors to unearth important information with regard to their clients’ records. Their action increased the audit risk of the entire process. For instance, the Cardillo executives were deceitful with regard to a material item in the receivable accounts. The treatment of the amount to be received by Cardillo from United Airline as income rather than a reimbursement can change the profitability of the organization or the opinion of the auditor. The auditor should have been more cautious in the management of risk with regard to this client since there are numerous contraventions of accounting and the SEC’s provisions in the treatment of various items. The fine passed on to the entity by a court ruling was a material item which can alter the auditors opinion yet it was not disclosed appropriately to the investor by the Cardillo executives which reveals that the executives intent to mis guide the auditors (Giove, 2003). Overall, the auditors were efficient in risk management since they unearthed all the relevant information to support an appropriate opinion. Q4 The five components of internal control were overlooked in Cardollo’s undertaking. For instance, there was no monitoring of the financial performance culminating in the underestimation of the loss by over three hundred percent. Periodic monitoring would have enabled the management to assess the profitability and estimate with relative accuracy the expected loss. There was no risk assessment in the entity, as the organization did not look into the possible outcomes of the case which would have necessitated the creation of a provisions to mitigate the losses expected in case of an adverse ruling. Q5 The auditor work entails verifying the records prepared. From the case study, it is evident that the management’s decisions play a vital role in the preparation of accounts. As such, evaluating the decision-making would provide the auditor with a better understanding of what is transpiring in the organization and how the management treated different accounting items for the sake of recording. Assessing management decisions would make the auditors’ work much easier and thorough. In conclusion, the auditors have a duty to evaluate the management’s decisions. References AICPA Professional Standards. (2013). Code of Professional Conduct and By laws. New York, NY: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Dicksee, L., (2009). Auditing: A Practical Manual for Auditors. New York, NY: BilbioBazaar. Giove, F. (2003). Auditing Essentials. New Jersey, NJ: Research Education Association Press. The institute of internal Auditors. (2009). The Role Internal Auditing Enterprise-Wide Risk Management. Retrieved on August 9, 2014 from
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Equus Reading Response free essay sample
Shaffer’s play Equus is about Alan Strang and his perception on horses. Alan is currently being treated by a Martin Dysart, his psychiatrist, for blinding six horses. His psychiatrist tries to get Alan to explain what was going on and he eventually begins to open up. When Alan was a child, his mother was a Christian who read the bible to him every day. One day, his father destroyed a picture of the crucifixion of Jesus and Alan decided to replace it with a picture of a horse. During Alan’s childhood, he grew an attraction towards horses from cowboy movies, his mother’s stories, and his grandfather’s love for horses. Later in the play, Alan gets a job at a stable and meets Jill Mason. Jill convinces Alan to have sex with the horses because of his attraction. In order to have sex with the horses, Alan stabs the horse’s eyes because he believed that they were Gods. We will write a custom essay sample on Equus Reading Response or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He did not want the horses to see the sin he was about to commit to them. Alan’s early childhood affected the way Alan thought about horses greatly. The picture of Jesus that was replaced confused him and he replaced Jesus with horses in his head. When his mother would tell him stories from the bible, Alan had images of horses instead of images of Jesus. When he has sex with the horses, he stabs them in the eye because he believes that they are Gods. He did not want the Gods to see what he was about to do to them.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Valtari by Sigur Ros free essay sample
Some artists are like poignant downpours. They construct the music that plays at our most pivotal moments, when the seasons change and people walk out of our lives. These musicians are gifted beyond the textbook definition; they may not be virtuosos of their instruments, but they go further – they understand music and its relation to the human soul. Sigur Ros is one of those bands. The Icelandic quartet caught the attention of the music world in 1999 with their third album â€Å"Ag?tis byrjun,†translated as â€Å"an all right start.†Critics gave it widespread acclaim, and it was named to numerous â€Å"best of†lists. This breakthrough was followed by a handful of albums, each unique and foreign to American audiences including 2002s â€Å"(),†sung entirely in a gibberish language created by the band. Listeners are encouraged to decipher the meaning, and write their translations in the blank CD booklet. This year marked Sigur Ross highly anticipated sixth studio album, â€Å"Valtari. We will write a custom essay sample on Valtari by Sigur Ros or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †It had been four years since their last offering, and listeners were eager to hear what the mysterious four had been working on. Fans anticipation climbed following bassist Georg Holms remarks that â€Å"its the only Sigur Ros record I have listened to for pleasure after weve finished it.†And after hearing it, I cant help but agree. This record bleeds unconventional optimism. Beneath the bands calling card of haunting music cascading with gentle sadness, there is light. Its subtle, but unmistakable. It mirrors life itself; there is no denying the pure beauty as well as the darkness in this world. On the title track, a ghostly melody plays over impressionist echos and winds, as if â€Å"Valtari†is the Earths lullaby. On â€Å"Varu?,†piano chords  repeat beneath soaring vocals, singing a language most listeners do not understand, but simply feel. It sinks into your skin, around your heart, through your brain. The album is storytelling with music, and what magnificent raconteurs they are. Eight tracks, between five and nine minutes each, carve their own path to some of the most scintillating sounds possible. In the silent moments after the closing track, â€Å"Fjogur piano†(four pianos), its as if the Earth has stopped rotating, giving the listener a brief sliver of time to truly realize the beauty of the world.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Les Miserables... with a twist!!! essays
Les Miserables... with a twist!!! essays Interesting, captivating, and just as witty as the original musical Les Misrables, an interesting musical directed by Whats Hername. Why is it with a twist? Although the storyline is exactly the same as the original Les Misrables, there are a couple of changes to this version... the most obvious being the length. Most of the songs are included, however they are shortened. The running time of the musical was approximately 40 minutes, versus the two hours of the original. There was an extremely large cast and I did find it entertaining that at some points the actors of the characters would change. Such as Cosette, for example. I noticed that the actress for her character changed quite a bit. Although some people would find this to be disorganized, I found it amusing that each actress could portray her so well. France, 1815. Jean Valjean, imprisoned for 19 years for stealing a loaf of bread, breaks his parole. The musical charts his journey through life, during which he adopts a child and watches her fall in love with a student who goes to fight on the barricades. All the time, his past haunts him in the form of an obsessive policeman, Javert, who will do anything to bring Valjean to justice. Les Misrables is an epic story of love and redemption played out against the backdrop of the French Revolution. Although the version I watched was more on the humorous side and not as dramatic as the original, I found that it was a rather nice change to not have watched something so long and serious. The performances given by all the actors was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the show even though it was not original. I highly recommend watching it. I give it 4 stars out of a possible 5. I highly recommend this play ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free Essays on The Forward
Forward: From Immigrants to Americans â€Å"Bring us your hungry, your tired, your poor.†That was a call that many immigrants heard in the late 1800's and in the early 1900's. So they came, they came to America to find a better home, a new life and to start over. They heard that in America the streets were paved with Gold, and that it was a land of opportunity where you could become whatever you wanted to become. No one in America was poor, it was the greatest land in the whole world. Though the reality in America for immigrants was much different. Not everyone was rich, in fact, most were poor, and this was a new Land they needed somewhere to look for guidance. The Forward, which was founded in April 22, 1897 by Abraham Cahan, fought for social justice, helped generations of immigrant Jews enter American life, and was a way for Yiddish American voices to be heard. Social Injustice abounded everywhere in the Early 1900's and the Forward was there to help the American Worker. One of the biggest stories that only the Forward covered in the early 1900's was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911. A very tragic story where 146 women and children were killed when a fire broke out the upper floors of the factory. The Workers could not escape because the doors were locked from the outside, so no workers would leave early. So therefore women and children were forced to either be burned alive or to jump to their death from the 8th floor. What a horrible way to die. These sort of stories were not covered by some of the main stream papers like the Sun, or the Globe, but were carried by the Forward. The Forward wanted to be a voice for the working people. It also covered things such as strike rallies and labor conditions in factories. These sort of things were major contributors to working conditions improving so that people today can mak e an honest living in safe working conditions. When the weary and poor first s... Free Essays on The Forward Free Essays on The Forward Forward: From Immigrants to Americans â€Å"Bring us your hungry, your tired, your poor.†That was a call that many immigrants heard in the late 1800's and in the early 1900's. So they came, they came to America to find a better home, a new life and to start over. They heard that in America the streets were paved with Gold, and that it was a land of opportunity where you could become whatever you wanted to become. No one in America was poor, it was the greatest land in the whole world. Though the reality in America for immigrants was much different. Not everyone was rich, in fact, most were poor, and this was a new Land they needed somewhere to look for guidance. The Forward, which was founded in April 22, 1897 by Abraham Cahan, fought for social justice, helped generations of immigrant Jews enter American life, and was a way for Yiddish American voices to be heard. Social Injustice abounded everywhere in the Early 1900's and the Forward was there to help the American Worker. One of the biggest stories that only the Forward covered in the early 1900's was the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire of 1911. A very tragic story where 146 women and children were killed when a fire broke out the upper floors of the factory. The Workers could not escape because the doors were locked from the outside, so no workers would leave early. So therefore women and children were forced to either be burned alive or to jump to their death from the 8th floor. What a horrible way to die. These sort of stories were not covered by some of the main stream papers like the Sun, or the Globe, but were carried by the Forward. The Forward wanted to be a voice for the working people. It also covered things such as strike rallies and labor conditions in factories. These sort of things were major contributors to working conditions improving so that people today can mak e an honest living in safe working conditions. When the weary and poor first s...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
National Response Plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
National Response Plan - Assignment Example as formed, 2005, Hurricane Katrina exposed a number of problems with the National Response Plan including two issues with the Catastrophic Incident Annex. The annex was purposely established to quicken government’s upbeat response to tragic incidents, and set protocols of pre-identifying and urgently deploying essential resources incase such an incident occurs. There are two issues that significantly contributed to the political decision to overlook the implementation of the entire National Response Plan, especially the Catastrophic Incident Annex. The first one was contravenes on the role of Catastrophic Incident Annex. For instance, there were questions on whether the annex had the capability of handling catastrophic incidences of higher magnitudes like hurricane strengthening. The second one was the power and authority assigned to the Catastrophic Incident Annex. The National Response Plan did not clearly draw to what extent the Catastrophic Incident Annex was to be involved in response acceleration. For example, it was not clear whether the Annex was in a position to authorize any legal activities in case of a catastrophic event. These arguments led the public to criticize the credibility of the Annex in responding to terrorist attacks (Jenkins, 2009). In conclusion, this paper gives a clear description of the issues that led to the National Response Plan not to be implemented regardless its comprehensiveness. In this case, the main focus is on the two issues that contributed to a decision not to execute the Catastrophic Incident Annex according to Hurricane
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Marlowe comprehends the fallacy of racism Essay
Marlowe comprehends the fallacy of racism - Essay Example It is evident that Marlow witnesses inhuman slavery exercised by the whites that comprehensively alters his ideologies and beliefs within the society. He states â€Å"A slight clinking behind me made me turn my head. Six black men advanced in a file, toiling up the path. They walked erect and slow balancing small baskets full of earth on their heads. I could see every rib, the joints of their limbs were like knots in a rope; each had an iron collar on their neck and al; were connected together with a chain.†(Conrad 38) Consequently, he says that slaves are identical to animals. This implies that he dislikes Africans regardless of their worth that may be highlighted using diverse approaches. It is evident from the excerpt that slaves are comparable to animals as apparent in the words describing them. It is true that Africans suffer from dehumanization under the control of Europeans leading to de-motivation. The description of this inequality is apparent in striking facial expr essions. This implies that Europeans have conditioned the Africans to disregard the situation. An instance that shows cruelty among Africans is apparent when Marlow meets a neatly dressed accountant. However, his outlook contrasts with Africans surrounding him because they appear frail. Marlow tries to befriend the accountant by spending a significant proportion of time conversing with him on how Africans are inferior. One day while Marlow was conversing with the accountant, a helpless African moaned in pain, an act that agitated Marlow and the accountant. The accountant claims, â€Å"When one has got to make correct entries, one comes to hate those savages to death†(Marlow 48). Surprisingly, Marlow agrees with the accountant’s remarks highlighting his negative attitude towards Africans. Moreover, Marlow and the accountant were unconscious of the horrific situation surrounding them. These persons exhibited immoral tendencies as apparent in their attitude towards Afric ans around them because they believed that such persons were interfering with their culture. This example reveals the indifference amongst whites with regard to the suffering of Africans. This indifference means that the European’s motivation to colonize Africa was not only to gain power and improving culture, but also making money at the expense of Africans. Apparently, the whites forgot their human morals and driven by greed, they treated Africans as animals (Conrad, 87). This novel strongly reveals the malice that Africans experienced under the control of whites. Readers begin comprehending the behavior of whites that appears insensitive especially in Marlow’s encounter with the doctor prior to his expedition in Africa. The doctor wanted to examine Marlow’s skull and inquire fundamental aspects regarding previous mental illness within the family. He seems insensitive regarding Africans and continues to tell Marlow that only an insane individual would desire t o visit Africa, highlighting the extent of disregard for the stature of Africans within the society. The main intention of measuring Marlow’s skull is to notice if there would be any notable difference upon return. It is apparent from such a proclamation that the doctor undermines Africans life when he tells Marlow that the Europeans
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Basic Electrical Components Essay Example for Free
Basic Electrical Components Essay Electrical and What it is The work of an Automotive Service Technician also known as a Mechanic has changed from normal mechanical repair to a high knowledge and very technical job. Today, integrated electronic systems and complex computers run and maintain vehicles. They also measure their performance while on the road and can adjust to certain conditions. Technicians must have a good base of knowledge about how vehicles components work and interact, as well as the capability to work with electronic diagnostic equipment and computer based vehicles. The most important system of your vehicle would definitely be the electrical system; the electrical system maintains almost everything in you car; from climate control to just adjusting your seat. There are many components to an electrical circuit that many people don’t know of. There are tons of different switching devices, protection devices, moving devices and plain old ingenious devices that seem to not even be possible. The car industry has really turned to upgrading there vehicles with more electrical devices to make the driver more comfortable when operating this brilliant machine. The most updated electrical device on a vehicle that I can think of is the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), which actually measures a wireless sensor that is installed in your tire to let you know if your tire pressures are off. The first thing that I would like to do is explain what electricity is in an automobile. Electricity is the worlds most widely used source if energy. Electricity is the flow of electrons through a conductor to eventually be used to supply a load of some sort. The electrons flow from positive to negative. In order to understand how an electric charge moves from one atom to another, you need to learn a little about atoms. Everything that surrounds us is made of atoms; every piece of grass, every plant, every animal. The human body is made up of a great amount of atoms. Air and water are made if atoms too. Atoms are the building block of the universe and without them there would be nothing. Atoms are so small that millions of them would fit on the head of a pin. Atoms are created by even smaller elements. The center of an atom is called the nucleus. The nucleus is made of particles called protons and neutrons. The protons and neutrons are extremely tiny, but electrons are much smaller. Electrons also rotate around the nucleus in there orbit a good distance from the nucleus. The proton is the positive charge and the electrons have the negative charge. These protons and electrons are rotating around the neutron in there orbit. These electrons can be bumped and moved out of their orbits. Applying a force can make the electrons move from one atom to another. These moving electrons are electricity. There are a few types of measurements to electricity that you will have to know. The first measurement that almost everyone has heard of is voltage. Voltage is the amount of pressure applied to push the electrons in the circuit. The second measurement is amperes also known as amps. Amps are the amount of current flowing through the circuit. For example; think of a regular neighborhood street. It is just a small street that is normally a low speed for vehicles, if we were to measure the speed in witch the cars are going we would get a small ampere reading maybe even milliamps. Now if we were to look at a sky view of a fast speed highway with more lanes you can see the amount of cars passing through is faster. That would be a high amount of amps. The last measurement of electricity that we use on cars today is resistance. Resistance is a property that slows the electrons. It is measured in Ohms the thing that resists a circuit is the load like a light bulb. The light bulb slows the electrons in the filament witch then creates heat, once heat is created then the gas inside the bulb glows. There is a part that is used inside cars called a resistor in a electrical circuit and what it does is slows the current flow in the circuit to make whatever load you have move slower. For example a variable resistor is used for the dash lights, you can control how much current is flowing through that circuit to dim the lights. So how does a battery work? A battery doesn’t make electrons; it holds them like a storage tank. A battery is made of two different metals that are opposite of each other and a chemical solution (Battery acid) that lets electrons flow through it. Electrons inside the battery are stationary at the negative terminal until a circuit is completed on the outside of the terminals. Once the circuit is completed the electrons pass from the negative plate to the positive plate and out the positive terminal. Once the electrons are at the positive terminal they pass through the circuit, used up by the load (for example a light bulb) and completed at the negative terminal which then goes to the negative plate. Once the circuit is opened the electrons are stationary at the plates until the circuit starts again. A battery is measured by amps; how fast current can flow through it and how much load it can take
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Abolition of Man as Wake Up Call Essay -- Abolition of Man Essays
The Abolition of Man as Wake Up Call  There are three very important ideas that C. S. Lewis explicates in his book, The Abolition of Man. The first essay focuses on moral subjectivism, the second on the Tao, and the third on the consequences of living in a morally relativist society. As a dramatic conclusion to these essays, Lewis asserts that if we do not carefully educate ourselves and accept the authority of the Tao we may become heartless men and women, incapable of governing a society of justice and values.  In the first essay, Lewis communicates his philosophy that education plays an important part in the development of ethical values. In addition to this statement, Lewis asserts that children's readers, guised as harmless texts, can convey hidden messages that have potential to harm a child's developing worldview. Much of the first essay is focused on a schoolbook Lewis called "The Green Book". Although Lewis chose a specific model for "The Green Book", it could easily be any one of a whole generation of schoolbooks. Unfortunately, instead of teaching grammar and good writing as these books profess to do, students learn moral relativism. Lewis, who supports the idea of a Tao, natural law, in the next chapter, believes that youth educated by moral relativism are actually being denied the education needed to appreciate the philosophical claim that certain objects and ideas should hold on them as human beings. Lewis believes that a good education should link their experiences to the prope r emotion. By reinforcing emotional reactions to beautiful objects, values could be ingrained in their minds. By having a system of belief in their consciousness, they were given a vaccination against savagery. Their hearts kne... ...ingrained in our minds that we should be able to choose good without having to stop and think about why we value our choice as good. Antigone is a perfect example of this; she boldly defied the law of the state put forth by Creon because she believed, without question, that her brother's dead body deserved to be buried. It is worth noting that in both of these works, and quite possibly in all of human experience, that natural law (or Tao) comes from a deep authority rather than a power of a state or of one person. In both Abolition of Man and "Antigone," the power of subjective law is always less powerful than the authority of the Tao. The abolition of man provides a clear warning to readers that we, as educated people and consumers of future "Green Books," should heed carefully.  Works Cited: Lewis, C. S. The Abolition of Man. New York: Macmillan, 1965.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Monopoly †economics Essay
?I consider the case of Qualcomm faces antitrust probe in china. Qualcomm Incorporated is an American global fabless semiconductor company that designs, manufactures and markets digital wireless telecommunications products and services. In the article it states that Qualcomm is the world’s biggest makers of cellar phone chips so they wanted to merge companies with china due to the potential market growth china has compared to the United States. So the speculation of this deal is that the company in china and qualcomm plan to do a launch of TD-LTE by early 2014. This causing an issue simply because it seems as though they broke the antitrust violations; in the article it does not say what violation it is but my thought from reading it would be the Celler-Kefauver Act which states that the Clayton Act, Section 7, which prohibits a firm from merging with a competing firm (and thereby lessening competition) by acquiring its stock. The issue seems to the rise of a company in which other companies would suffer from the merge taking down competitions and so forth. From the article we can tell that with any company trying to succeed in the business world especially a company that makes cellphone chips comes into a merger with china then the production and economic profits is unimaginable. China is one of the world’s leading productions in products worldwide now combing that with the cell phone chip makers, no other company would dare go against them or even try to keep with the company. The Marginal Revenue or Marginal Cost will skyrocket in competition. If the merger occurs it would call a Deadweight Loss to Society meaning that the costs to society created by market inefficiency and loss occur when supply and demand are not in equilibrium. Did not formally state why the company was being investigated but some say it is because of an attempt to gain leverage in royalty negotiations with Qualcomm ahead of the expected rollout of new 4G wireless infrastructure in 2014. The probe coincides with a recent surge of investigations into large foreign corporations that are currently operating in China, with speculation by market analysts that the move has been instigated to advantage domestic firms as markets shift toward a new generation of wireless technology. Some Pecuniary associated with the antitrust behavior is: Preparing major move to 4G wireless technology, merging of Qualcomm and china mobile, Asian smartphone makers has also emerged to help meet demand for low end handsets, pushing for local technology suppliers to increase revenue. Some. Nonpecuniary associated with the antitrust behavior is: Chip making for low cost phones Monopolies and oligopolies are not always bad for society. â€Å"A monopoly, as many people know, is a market condition in which only one vendor (usually a large corporation) is in play. There may be other somewhat similar businesses, but a monopoly exists when only one business or individual can provide a product or service. In an oligopoly, the product or service may be available from more than one vendor or merchant, but only a few big players dominate the market and make competition very difficult for new entries in the field. Examples of monopolies are difficult to produce, as federal antitrust regulations prohibit monopolistic market conditions in the United States. Regardless of legal issues, though, monopolies do exist, primarily in the utilities market. Electricity, for example, is generally available from only one â€Å"electric company†in any given market. Water and cable television are equally exclusive. During the 1990s, Microsoft commanded such a large portion of the computer operating system environment, and demonstrated such a propensity to absorb upstart competitors, that it was believed to be a monopoly as well. Examples of oligopolies are considerably more plentiful. The automotive industry, for example, has many competitors but is dominated by General Motors, Ford, Chrysler, Honda, and Toyota. Breakfast cereal is also such an excellent example of oligopoly that it is often used in teaching the concept to Junior Achievement students; while the market is open to many competitors, almost all breakfast cereal  in the United States, at least  is manufactured by General Mills, Post or Kellogg. †An example of industry (where monopoly is warranted and is beneficial for the society) is electricity distribution industry. It is a natural monopoly industry because it involves large fixed costs and there are economies of scale over the entire significant range of output. In such industry, there is huge cost advantage if only one firm is operating but if there is more than one firm, cost will rise and consumers will have bear burden of this increased cost in the form of increased price. So allowing monopoly in such industry may actually benefit the society. Reference Mukherjee, S. , Alawadhi, N. , (2013, November 25) Reuters, Retrieved from http://www. reuters. com/article/2013/11/25/us-qualcomm-china-idUSBRE9AO0E.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Working with and Leading People
Cool Sounds is an established music retailer throughout the UK and it has around 280 stores and 15000 employees, both full time as well as part-time. The products sold by Cool Sounds range from CDs and DVDs to software for computer consoles. The organization has a tall structure and most of the decisions are made from the Head Offices although leading people is usually the specific remit to store management team. Cool Sounds has planned to open a new flagship store in Coventry and hire 80 more employees. I being the general manager of the store have prepared this paper to address some of the issues related to recruitment, selection and retention, leadership, performance appraisal, etc. (Anthony, Kacmar & Perrwe 2005). RECRUITMENT, SELECTION AND RETENTION What does Cool Sounds look for in its employees? Cool Sounds looks for a strong academic record when assessing the application of employees. Past experience shows that academic skills are seldom sufficient to be a successful professional within a company as challenging, dynamic and diverse as Cool sounds. Therefore, Cool Sounds has identified four skills and qualities as being essential to performing to the high standards that they expect from their employees. Capacity, achievement, relationships and technicality are these skills identified by Cool Sounds. Capacity is the diagnostic ability to put problems in an extensive but in a relevant view. Achievement is the ability to get things done. Relationships refer to the ability to work efficiently with others in a team and technicality is the ability to understand and approach technical issues coupled with an enthusiasm for technical challenge. The HR management refers to these qualities throughout their assessment and selection process, looking for candidates who can show them to a greater degree than their contemporaries. (Benefiel 2008). Applications and resumes Cool Sounds offers an amazing range of recruitment in many different fields and also requires people from diverse backgrounds. Every year Cool Sounds examine its business requirements and accordingly they conduct external recruiting and for this, they should advertise in the leading newspapers and shortlist the candidates suitable by interviewing them after which they must select candidates on the basis of their degree, although work experience really counts but they should also recruit candidates on the basis of their answers and intelligence. All applications should be assessed and candidates based on the above mentioned qualities and both internal and external selections should be done. Cool Sounds should recruit employees both internally and externally. (Butteriss 1998). The Interview Process Once the recruiters have reviewed the candidates’ application forms and CVs/Resumes, they must conduct telephonic or face-to-face interview and many other interview techniques and questions must be asked to determine the personality of the candidate. Cool Sounds must conduct competency based interviews in order to evaluate the competence in a candidate. (Barker 2008). Situational interviews are conducted by asking questions like e. g. ‘A person in your team is disrupting information, how would you handle the situation? ’ Behavioral interviews should also be conducted in which Cool Sounds should inquire about the candidates’ achievements and any challenges they have faced e. g. ‘Please tell us about a time when you were under great pressure? How did you cope? What was the outcome? The content of the responses to the questions asked should then assessed by Cool sounds. Offer and Onboarding Once the candidates have been successfully selected to work in the organization, they should be called in for a management trainee program. (Clawson & Corner 2004). Offer To give their candidates the best value they can get, Cool Sounds should make sure that it provides the job that the person wants, for instance, if the employee is more flexible about their preferred job and location, the more likely should Cool Sounds should be able to give what the employee want. After finding a suitable vacancy, the employee should be invited to a ‘Get to Know You’ session so that the employee meets the business managers they’ll be working with, as well as some of their team, and find out more about the position. This would also give the employees as well as the company itself to double check whether the candidate is suitable or not and if a suitable match is lacking at this point, Cool Sounds must continue to explore for more candidates. Gravett 2003). Onboarding This is when the employees’ career begins with Cool Sounds and the onboarding programs should be carried out so that employees can get to know the organization better. Moreover, the company should always be ready to guide its employees in the best possible way, so that the employees can have a feel of what their job role is in the organization, what they are supposed to do, and find out how Cool Sounds operates itself. Retention Rewards and Benefits Rewards and benefits are major set of HRM activities and so Cool Sound should provide their employees rewards and benefits and the most common rewards they can give to the employees are worker’s compensation, social security and unemployment insurance. Reward System Reward system serves as a strategic purpose of attracting, motivating and retaining people, therefore Cool Sounds should provide bonus to their employees in order improve the performances of the employees. By taking a look to the performance of the employee or his sincerity with the organization, the employees should be given rewards to keep them motivated. (John 2001). Pay Structure Pay structure is the difference of pays of employees within the organization and it is vital to give the same pays to the employees having same designation so that no sort of conflict arises between them; however the pay must only be different for employees on the basis of their performance. Individual Pay Decisions To promote the employees, individual pay decisions should be made as well and Cool Sounds must ensure that employee’s individual contribution is recognized and rewarded through performance-related pay and bonuses, moreover, facilities must be provided to their hardworking employees and they should also work on the enhancement of the technical knowledge of the employees. Other factors of retention Health and medical benefits should be provided to the employees, every employee should be fairly treated and job security should be provided to them. (Kay 2000). Legal and ethical issues When staff is to be recurited, some legal and ethical issues need to be considered. Code of ethics These include age and gender, race and religion discrimination and sexual harassment and it is mandatory for the HR Department of Cool Sounds to make sure a fair treatment of employees. Employees know that they are safe and they can approach someone in case they are unfairly treated by anyone. Legal issues The HR Department should act as a negotiator and works to establish cooperation between the legal entities, regulatory agencies, supervisors and employees to properly address and determine the issue prevailing. BUILDING WINNING TEAMS. The culture followed by an organization highlights its personality. Culture basically comprises of the assumptions, the values and norms of an organization, the financial position of the organization and about its members and their behaviors. Whenever a new member is added to an organization, they don’t take much time to study and learn about the type of culture being followed by an organization. However, every organization has its different culture and although new employees may take time to adjust but they soon get to know about it and work accordingly and the culture of an organization makes an organization different from others. The culture an organization adopts should be such that it should be accepted by all the employees and it basically helps to understand the human system in an organization and there are basically two types of challenges a culture has to overcome. Once an employee joins an organization, he has to get accustomed to its culture effectively and only those who can adopt it well can survive. After the employees adopt the culture, it leads to a collective learning process creating shared assumption and beliefs. Team learning This refers to the learning that develops the ability in a team to create the results expected and desired by the other members. It further builds personal mastery and shared vision. Team learning leads to good results and growth becomes more rapid. Team learning is dependent on the type of members a team consists of and the way they think and take the other members. (Kline & SaCool Soundsders 1997). Problematic areas One of the major problems being faced by the HR department is because of the diversified workforce at an organization. Many people feel uncomfortable to working with people of a different age, sex, or culture. Despite the fact that employing people from different groups is good but it can lead to a clot of conflicts. The management has to manage a diversified workforce effectively or it can effect employee satisfaction and productivity negatively and the employees who recognize themselves as valued members of their organization are more diligent, concerned, and innovative and this tends them to work harder. Another problem can be the economic unrest prevailing. People from diversified groups would be having different definition of ambition. The outcome of ambition is mostly unpredictable, some ambitions begun in selflessness end in rancor; others begun in selfishness end in large-heartedness. It can at times be uncontrollable as well and some people may not be able handle ambition serving it as a grief to others. It also leads to jealousy. Other than that, people might opt any way to achieve their goals and these might be unlawful as well. Team Charter †¢ Policy formulation – It is essential for the employees to obey the set of rules and policies set by Cool Sounds as this is essential so that proper regulation can be maintained at the work place. (Christensen & Irwin 1976) Knowledge Management – It relates to the programs such as the objectives of the organizations, creating ways to improve the performance of the employees, developing a competitive advantage and creating innovation. (Evans 2003). †¢ Ethics – this is the most important area of philosophy is about right conduct and good lif e and is considerably broader than the common idea of analyzing right and wrong. †¢ Customer Satisfaction – Serving the customers well. Team roles identified by Belbin These roles are identified on the basis of the behaviour of the people when they work in teams and these have a great impact on their performance as well. The roles that Beblin identified are mentioned below. Action Oriented Role †¢ Implementer – the role of the implementer is to translate the ideas and the decisions of the team into actions that can be managed. †¢ Shaper – his role is rather goal directed and more challenging as he has to overcome obstacles and work under great pressure. †¢ Completer/Finisher – the basic task of the completer is to meet deadlines. People Skills Oriented Role †¢ Co-ordinator – facilitates interaction as well as decision making. †¢ Teamworker – it is vital for the teammaker to listen attentively to his team members, to be collaborative and to cooperate with them. Resource Investigator – developing contacts, have excellent communications skills and exploring new ideas are the basic roles played by a resource investigator. Cerebral/Intellectual Role †¢ Planter – his basic goal is to solve problems. †¢ Monitor/Evaluator â⠂¬â€œ having good judgemental and thinking skills are essential for an evaluator. †¢ Specialist – constant learning and building knowledge. The ideas that are proposed by the team members should be implemented in the store if they are feasible. For instance, in the case of Cool Sounds, both the shaper as well as the completer is important so that the store can do its best. To make the store operate in a better way, it would be good to discuss ideas with the team members so that new things can be implemented and this would give a competitive edge to the store. Moreover, it is also vital for the planter to solve problems and negotiate with the team members in order to keep things going in an orderly manner and to avoid conflicts. LEADERSHIP Leadership is basically the process of social influence in which one particular person is able to help and support the others in order to accomplish a common task. It is also about creating something that could help out the people achieve something that is extraordinary. There are a lot of leadership theories proposed by many theorists. Leadership style is the manner or approach of providing direction; implementing plans and motivating people and according to Kurt Lewin, the 19th Century German psychologist suggested three different styles of leadership. All three styles of leadership can be used by Cool Sounds depending on the type of the employees they have hired. (Kouzes & Posner 2008) Styles of Leadership 1. Authoritarian /autocratic – Such leaders have full authority to take decisions and are preferred by such employees who need close supervision in order to complete the tasks assigned to them. Northhouse 2006). 2. Participative or democratic – Such leadership involves including the employees in decision making, however the final decision is taken by the leader. 3. Delegate of Free reign – The leader permits the employees to make decisions for them. However, in any event leaders are the ones who are actually responsible for all their decisions. This style is usually used where employees are few and have greater awareness. (Lee 1991). Skills in leaders The leaders are the ones who should encourage their juniors to suggest ideas that could lead to creativity and innovation. The employees should be rewarded, supported and proper amalgamation should be provided for the processes. Fund learning should be encouraged. This can be done by prioritizing it into budgets and work plans and to make it accessible to the employees or it would be of no use. Trust and respect should be placed on all the levels of the organization. Free communication and personalization should be allowed. Constant training or at least monthly or yearly training programs should be held for all the staff to keep on learning new things. The return on investment should be taken care of. The employees should know how much they are contributing to the company. These are some more factors that could help UN to retain their current employees. (Leat 2001). In order to manage conflicts, the leaders should use conflict management i. e. an amalgamation of different processes that aids in eliminating the sources of conflict and these processes includes negotiation, mediation and diplomacy and dispute resolution or alternative dispute resolution are other terms for conflict resolution. Motivational techniques Empowerment It facilitates the process of making choices and translating these choices into decisions by enhancing the choice making abilities of involved individuals and groups. As a result of this empowerment, individual and collective assets are created which are crucial to the efficiency of organizational and institutional development which controls the utilization of these assets. (Schein 1993) Equity theory This is all about how satisfied an employee is regarding the distribution of resources. The theory was proposed by John Stacy Adams in 1962 and he said that employees seek to maintain equity between the inputs and the outcomes. Everyone expects to be fairly treated and this keeps them motivated to stay in an organization. This theory is basically based on the ratio of inputs (contribution made by employees) to the outcomes (behaviors and contribution of the employees). This theory would be useful for Cool Sounds because it describes the relationship between the level of motivation that an employee has and the way he receives equitable or inequitable treatment. This relationship is basically between the employee and the employer. With this, the issue to comparison arises as what the employees do is that they compare their input and outcome with that of the others. The inputs mainly are the time the employee gives to accomplish a task, his expertise experience and skills, etc. however, the outcomes are the monetary compensation such as the benefits the employees receive and likewise. Therefore, it can affect the morale, efficiency, productivity, and turnover of the employees at the organization. Furthermore, there are certain assumptions of this theory when it is being applied to a business. For instance, if an employee expects a fair return for her contribution and by comparing her input and outcomes or is not being fairly treated. This comparison is called social comparison and this discourages the employees badly and if the management does not work on it and the result of this would be that the employees will start distorting their inputs as well as the outputs. Therefore, the organization must ensure that they take care of all this in future. Expectancy theory This is basically about choice and the way in which people make choices. It is a motivation theory and was proposed by Victor Vroom. In this theory, the level of motivation of the employees is expected to rise when they put more efforts to do the tasks they are assigned to do and this makes them do better work and this leads to organizational rewards that are valued by the employees. Two things that the expectancy theory emphasizes is the self-interest of the rewards that the employees want and how the employees behave with reference to it. According to this theory, the behaviour of the employees is a result from conscious choices among alternatives. The sole purpose of this theory is to maximize pleasure and reduce the pain involved in completing a task. This theory is based on three concepts that results in motivation. 1. Valence – this is what an employee prefers for a particular outcome and the employee must be motivated to prefer to attain an outcome than the idea of not attaining it. 2. Instrumentality – the extent to which a first level outcome leads to the second level. . Expectancy – Probability that an action will lead to the first level outcome. Therefore, Cool Sounds must use proper reward systems making sure that the performance of the employees is measured properly. WORK AND DEVELOPMENT NEEDS As the store would be divided into various sections that must function effectively, some work activities need to be analyzed. For this, it is important for the leaders to plan out things for each department efficiently and motivate the employees of the respective department to perform well. The development needs of an employee can be identified by doing performance appraisal and it would also help to identify the effectiveness of the activities. Performance Appraisal Performance appraisal is done for the purpose of promotions. It is the assessments of an employee’s performance. It serves for administrative and developmental purposes. Administrative purpose provides information for making salary, promotion, lay-off decisions and documentation. Developmental purpose can be used to diagnose training needs and career planning. Cool Sounds appraises its employees because feedback and coaching based on appraisal information provide the basis for improving day-to-day performance. (Perlmutter, Bailey & Netting 2000). Results Appraisal Cool Sounds should appraise its employees’ performance. Results appraisals tend to be more objective and can focus on production data such as sales volumes or profits. Management by Objectives A process in which objective set by subordinate and supervisor must be reached within a given time period. This is another name given to â€Å"Results appraisal. †Aim of MBO. Cool Sounds must use MBO to achieve a set of goals that is clear, specific and reachable, and when managers want to empower employees to adapt their behavior as they deem necessary in order to achieve desired results. The standard of performance at Cool Sounds should be based on job analysis after which performance standards should be notified to its employees. (Morgan 1997). Managers and Supervisors Cool Sounds should also use its managers and supervisors as a source of appraisal information because they are often in a best position to observe an employees performance. Internal and External Customers Cool Sounds should use its internal and external customers as sources of performance appraisal information and it is a good idea for employees to evaluate their own performance. 360-Degree Appraisal Cool Sounds should also use multiple sources of appraisal to gain a comprehensive perspective of one’s performance because each source of performance appraisal information has some limitations, and different people may see different aspects of performance. 60-degree appraisal is beneficial and would be accepted by employee if not linked with increments. (Frappaolo 2006). Performance Appraisal Interview Employees want to know how they are doing, but typically they are comfortable about getting feedback. Cool Sounds should conduct performance appraisal interviews thoughtfully and must summarize the employees’ specific performance, and then supports the employees who are not performing well and appreciates those whose performances are good. Conclusion. Therefore, it is essential for Cool Sounds to take care of the employees they select and recruit because the employees serve as an asset of an organization and so it is a must for them to retain them as well. Moreover, they must also manage the teams well and good leadership skills are essential to make the employees work well. Conducting performance appraisal is also necessary as it can help Cool Sounds find out the level of performance of the employees and how they can further improve their performance. (Lewis 2003).
Friday, November 8, 2019
Leadership The 9 Biggest Mistakes a Leader Can Make
Leadership The 9 Biggest Mistakes a Leader Can Make As part of an ActionCOACH work day last month, we viewed an enlightening video on leadership mistakes put together by Harvard Business Publishing. Nine business leaders were asked what they considered the biggest mistake a leader can make. Their answers are very revealing. The video was created in August 2010, and when I think back to the news about business and government leaders over the past seven years, I can line up those successes and failures to one or more of the insights below. I can also see where I personally am succeeding and where I can use some improvement. Most of these leadership mistakes can be classified under the category of either hubris/arrogance or lack of integrity. I have summarized them for you here (Stylistic note: I chose to use the words and phraseology of each leader rather than be completely consistent with the structure of each answer. I hope you’ll forgive me this one time!) Which of these leadership errors speaks most to you? Bill George, Harvard Business School The biggest mistake you can make as a leader is to put your own self-interest in front of the interest of the organization you run. If you’re looking out for your own money, power, fame, and glory, that’s wrong. Leaders have a deep responsibility to all constituencies they represent – customers, employees, shareholders, etc. – to carry that responsibility out. Leadership is not about your own fame and glory. It’s a responsibility. Evan Wittenburg, Head of Global Leadership Development, Google, Inc. Betraying trust. If you break that one, nothing else will matter. Ellen Langer, Professor, Harvard University Being certain. When we confuse the stability of our mindset with the stability of the underlying phenomenon, we act as if we know. When you think you know, you don’t pay any attention any longer. Uncertainty should be the rule. Exploit the power in uncertainty. Andrew Pettigrew, Professor, Said Business School, University of Oxford Not living up to their values. Leaders who espouse values but don’t deliver them are very often found out, and rapidly turned over. Gianpiero Petriglieri, Affiliate Professor of Organizational Behavior, INSEAD Don’t be so overly enamored with your own vision that you lose capacity for self-doubt. Passion and purpose (positive traits) can sometimes turn into obsession. You become vulnerable if you lose the capacity to see consequences, to look at potential downfalls, other ways things can be, or voices you might be disenfranchising. Carl Sloane, Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School Personal arrogance/hubris. Confusing the size or success of the enterprise with the individual’s persona. That creates greater social distance and power distance, which is demotivating for most organizations and people, and which increases the chance of making big mistakes. Jonathan Doochin, Leadership Institute at Harvard College Acting too fast. Executing before thinking through the issue. In corporate America and often government, you’re often drinking through a fire hose of issues, with little time to step back, evaluate, and reenter with vision. The best thing a leader can do is take a step back with their management team, seek advice, think it through, then move back to execution. This solves issues in the short term and is also good for long-term strategy. Scott Snook, Professor, Harvard Business School As humans, we’ll accept almost any leadership style as long as it’s consistent. We will sniff out two things: 1) when it’s all about the leader. It has to be about something larger than yourself. 2) not being authentic, consistent, predictable, or in integrity. Our greatest fear is when we have to ask, â€Å"Which one (personality) is coming in today?†Like Jekyll and Hyde. As long as there’s consistency, and it’s about something greater than the leader, we’ll respect that leader. Daisy Wademan Dowling, Executive Director, Leadership Development at Morgan Stanley Not being self-reflective. Not reviewing your own behavior, how to develop yourself, and how your behavior affects other people. You must be willing to hold a mirror to yourself and look at what effect your leadership is having on others. The worst leaders bulldoze forward, make mistakes and don’t look back, not learning as they go or being self-aware about how they’re affecting the people around them. While there are many more blunders a leader can make, it seems all of them fall under one of the leadership mistakes identified above. For instance, making a company all about making money, and losing sight of the underlying values is a mistake. I believe it falls under #1, #6, and probably #9 as well. The tendency toward focusing on money over all else is a sign of getting caught up in a game that ultimately is not satisfying to win. Mistakes are bound to be made. Working too hard to please others is also a mistake; it falls under #4 and #8. If you’re not following your inner compass, you won’t be consistent or trustworthy in sticking to your own values. The potential mistakes I want to focus on are consistency and following the values I espouse. Sometimes I am afraid I am being that Jekyll Hyde personality. I write so much about leadership to remind myself how to stay in integrity with my own vision of how I want to lead. I don’t always succeed, but I always do #9 – self-reflection! I’d love to hear your stories of your own leadership wins and failures, or how you see the leaders around you have succeeded or made mistakes in the areas above. Please share!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Learn About Spanish Interrogative Pronouns
Learn About Spanish Interrogative Pronouns Quà © and cul are two words that can be confusing to people learning Spanish, because they can be translated as the same word into English, namely, what. It is sometimes said that quà ©Ã‚ is closer to what in meaning, and cul is closer to which. But that rule isnt always true. When to Use Accent Marks The two words, when they have accents, are used as interrogative pronouns in questions to mean what or which. Quà ©Ã‚ is the same in the singular and plural forms; the plural of cul is cules. Accented forms of these words appear only in exclamations and in questions, which includes an indirect question. The accented quà ©Ã‚ is found most often at the beginning of a sentence, although it sometimes follows de and other prepositions, especially in indirect questions. For example,  ¿De quà © color es la camisa? meaning, What color is the shirt? Without accents, normally que and cual are not being used as a question. Most often, they are connecting words or, technically speaking, relative pronouns, translated to mean which or that. They can stand for either feminine or masculine objects as well as ideas or concepts. An example of this usage is a popular phrase, Creo que sà , meaning, I think that is so. Use Cases of Quà © and Cul When Asking Questions There are a number of ways to ask questions using the words quà ©Ã‚ and cul. A speaker can ask for a definition, like What is this?, which uses quà ©. Or, you can ask for a choice selection from a group, What looks better, this red blouse or this black one?, which uses cul. Quà ©Used for Definitions A number of examples may help explain usage of quà © asking for a definition:  ¿Quà © es una ciudad?, meaning, What is a city? Or,  ¿Quà © hace un presidente?, meaning, What does a president do? Or,  ¿Quà © significa talanquera?, asking, What does talanquera mean? Quà ©Used Before Nouns Quà © is usually the interrogative pronoun that is used right before nouns. For example,  ¿Quà © casa prefieres?, meaning, Which house do you prefer? Or,  ¿Quà © libro leà ste?, asking, Which book did you read? CulUsed Before Forms of Ser Cul is used before es and other forms of the verb ser, meaning to be, when not seeking a definition. For example,  ¿Cul es tu nà ºmero de telà ©fono?, meaning, What is your phone number? Or,  ¿Cul es tu problema?, meaning, What is your problem? Or,  ¿Cules son las ciudades ms grandes?, asking, What are the biggest cities? Cul Used toMake a Choice Cul is used to suggest or ask for a selection or choice from a group. For example,  ¿Cul miras?, meaning, Which one are you looking at? But,  ¿Quà © miras?, would be used to ask when you want to know, What are you looking at? An example of the plural form of the interrogative pronoun used in making a choice would be,  ¿Cules quieres?, meaning, Which ones do you want? But,  ¿Quà © quieres?, would be the proper way to ask, What do you want? Quà © as an Idiom An idiom is an expression, word or phrase that has a figurative meaning traditionally understood by native speakers. For example,  ¡Quà © lstima! meaning, What a shame! Or,  ¡Quà © susto! meaning, What a fright! Some of the most common idiomatic expressions that are used daily in native Spanish speech are  ¿Y quà ©? or  ¿Y a mà quà ©?, both meaning, So what? Or,  ¿Para quà ©? or  ¿Por quà ©?, meaning, Why?
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Information systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Information systems - Essay Example (Joseph, 2008) define an information system as â€Å"the study of complementary networks of hardware and software that people and organizations use to collect, filter, process, create, and distribute data†(p416). Even though there are many definitions as to what an Information system is, the definitions all agree on the fact that it is all about how humans relate with technology Figure 1: components of an IS 1. Hardware Hardware refers to all the machinery that will be used by the firm in the information system. The most important hardware in the information system is the computer. The computer has its own important hardware parts like the storage, the control unit, the processors and many others. Some people refer to the hardware part of the information system as the central processing unit because this is actually where all the data processing for the system is done. The hardware of the computer must have five important parts for it to function optimally (O'Brien, 2003) Inp ut This is the means by which the computer accepts data that is fed into it via the input devices. The most commonly used input device is the keyboard where the user types instructions that the computer processes. Other input devices include microphones for sound input, scanners for digital input and mice. Process Once the computer has accepted input, it must have a means by which it will process data. Every computer usually has a part that is used for the process of the data that it receives from the input devices Control There are many processes that the computer usually performs and it is important to have a means of controlling the different operations for optimum results. The Arithmetic and Logic Unit is used to control the different arithmetic and logical operations that the computer is working on. Storage Computers must have a means of retaining the data that is input into the system. This is usually done on the main hard drive of the computer or any auxiliary storage devices like memory sticks, external hard drives, DVDs and many others. Output After data has been input into the computer and all the processing of the data has been completed, the computer must then have a way of generating feedback for the benefit of the user. This is achieved through the output devices. There are two types of output devices. There are those that give soft output like the monitors and the speakers and there are those that give hard output like the printers and the plotters. 2. Software This term refers to any computer application and all the manuals that come with these applications. To put it simply, software is a set of computer or machine readable instructions that tell the computer exactly how to manipulate the data that is fed to it by the user. The software is very important in the information system since it is the one that has instructions on how to manipulate the data thereby giving the necessary output which management can use for decision making. Software usu ally comes stored on DVDs and other auxiliary storage devices like flash disks but it has to be installed onto the computer system for it to be used. Most of the software is usually for sale although there are some that are given under the General Public User license agreement. The computer system will be totally useless without the relevant software (O'Brien, 2003) 3. Data This
Friday, November 1, 2019
Philosophy and theory of architecture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Philosophy and theory of architecture - Essay Example Common features however, are considerations such as aesthetics, proportion, and surroundings. Present changes revolve mainly around the need to cope with environmental concerns but the despising of modernism runs deeper. It is generally seen as lacking in character. Prince Charles champions the call for returning to more traditional styles of architecture. A case study of Regent’s Park Mosque in London showed the building is a blend of both Islamic and modernist architectural elements. It reflects the thinking at the time of its construction. Nonetheless, it is evident of the diversity of ideas and practices present today. Architecture, its underlying philosophies and a look at Regent’s Park Mosque This paper examines some theoretical underpinnings of architecture from a philosophical perspective. It shows how theories of design presuppose specific concepts and theories. A brief overview is made of some historical and contemporary architecture and a discussion follows o f present day changes in thinking on architecture. Attention is given to the views of Prince Charles on architecture as they represent those that are dissatisfied with modernism and who hearken back to earlier architectural thinking. The global environmental changes are also contributing to the changed approach. A case study is then made of a particular building in the UK in order to illustrate such ideas, namely the Regent’s Park Mosque in central London. Architecture is intricately related with philosophy. Architecture is after all an imposed organisation of a social space, and that space has to be designed with considerable thought. A certain intended expression is exuded, which holds associations and meanings for the people who see and use the building. Many important religious buildings for example, are designed to be imposing or soothing and evoke an appreciation and respect for the almighty being. They are designed to be experienced at a deeper level so they have stron g philosophical foundations. These and other planned buildings are typically large or otherwise of some importance. They affect the lives of people in some significant way or other. Beauty is one of the important features of the outcome of architectural planning and what we come to expect from a specially designed building. According to de Botton (2008), ideas of a meaningful life are what we consider to be beautiful in architecture. People love beautiful buildings because they represent the kind of ideas about the world we live in and ourselves that they can relate with. The theme of his book deals with the search to find the kind of dwellings in which people could stand the greatest chance of happiness. In doing so, he traces the development of various styles of architecture that have attempted to satisfy human needs and desires. However, the explanation for what makes for happiness is more psychological than philosophical. People do not only associate beauty in buildings with the ir feelings but also their thoughts, and their conception of what is ideal. Kantian philosophers link aesthetics with using logic for aesthetic judgment. They â€Å"suppose that free beauty is simply beauty, but the beauty of works in particular arts is judged beautiful in the light of some antecedent notion of artistic perfection†(Mitias, 1994: 3). That is to say, a specially planned building as opposed to an ordinary building is usually judged based on some understanding of its nature
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Project II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Project II - Essay Example alize that there is actually a net surplus that is left after accounting for all the fixed expenses, which represented about 40.48% of net income; and the variable expenses amounting to 47.62%. It simply gives the family more leeway in terms of adjusting the variable expenses when time comes that we need to minimize some expenses to give way to more important priorities. The projected income is easy to determine as no other sources were currently eminent. The income from salaries of both my husband and me as teachers comprises the basic cash in which is easy to establish on a monthly or yearly basis. On the other hand, cash expenses are composed of several different items, and the expenses are clearly classified into fixed and variable expenses. Some could be established as regular fixed expenses which do not differ on a monthly basis. On the other hand, other expenses such as food, savings for emergency purposes and miscellaneous expenses differ depending on diversity of needs and requirements of family members across time. I therefore learned that a substantial portion of our family income is spent on different needs but somehow, by managing to allot a small amount for emergency purposes and still be able to maintain some surplus, we could be able to meet unforeseen and unanticipated expenses and could plan for future financial goals. From the income and expense developed in September, the same income and expenses are expected in October, except for the additional savings needed as outlined in the financial goals worksheet in Part I, where the long term goal of a vacation in Hawaii, life insurance of children, and funds to be earmarked for the coming Christmas vacation need to be allotted as additional savings. These amounts were taken from the net surplus of $750. When the additional savings are taken out, only $54.17 will remain. One intends to use a computer spreadsheet (Excel) to record and continue monitoring the income and expenses, as well as managing
Monday, October 28, 2019
Understanding the Short Story Brownies Essay Example for Free
Understanding the Short Story Brownies Essay Amongst the legion of newly talented American playwrights is Z. Z Parker, an African American author who is popularly known to be the master behind a number of recently published and highly praised short fiction stories across the United States. Included in one of his compilations â€Å"Drinking Coffee Elsewhere†is the short story entitled â€Å"Brownies†which depicts the story about a troop of young Black African-American girls and their encounters and personal experiences with regard to adversities of social discrimination in the entire American Country. Thus, the book depicts and illustrates both of the different faces of the society which is that of the good and dreadful side, more especially in the entire society of the United States wherein there is an evident divergence between the white and black people. In a sense, it is seen obvious that the story is fundamentally set to highlight and enlighten one of the major social problems in the entire American society in both ancient and modern days, which is that of the racial biases and/or discrimination among the Black African-American people. Thus, the story also aims to give a picture of the pessimistic consequences of such social differences between the American group of white and the black. For instance is the adverse incident wherein the troop of black African-American girls and the opposite color have collide and involved their selves into an awful brawl in response to the act of racial discrimination coming from the group of white girls. Hence, such illustration is an example as to how the writer has utilized the specific situations to depict the atrocities and cynicism that social discrimination incorporates in the society. On the other hand, it is also well represented that the society is made of both negative and positive notions wherein the people living in this world are all situated to experience both of the good and bad sides of the society. Through the narrative of one of the black African-American girls in the story, whose name is Laurel, she shares the story of her father’s encounter with a white family and recalls the moment her father said that, It was the only time hed have a white man on his knees doing something for a black man for free†(30). It is indeed an evident way of the writer to balance her depiction of the two faces of society which is that of the good and bad. In the end, it is evident that such book of Z. Z. Parker entitled â€Å"Brownies†is socially prearranged to depict and discuss the problems of society, more specifically in the United States, where Americans are seen to be alienated by this social difference and discrimination. Thus, the short story â€Å"Brownies†is indeed a paradigm of an outstanding socially significant story that presents valuable lessons for the readers and for the entire society. Work Cited Packer, ZZ. â€Å"Brownies. †In Drinking Coffee Elsewhere. New York, NY: The Berkley Publishing Group, 2003.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Aspects of Life in Hamlet, Prince of Denmark and Trifles Essay
Aspects of Life in Hamlet, Prince of Denmark and Trifles In William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, the protagonist, Hamlet, has arrived â€Å"from his university studies to find Claudius, his uncle, ruling Denmark and married to his mother, Gertrude. Her remarriage within two months of his father’s death has left Hamlet disillusioned, confused, and suspicious about Claudius†(DiYanni 1394). These types of crimes do not only happen in a person’s imagination, or in a made-up play, but also in our society today. Our society is just as immoral as Claudius and Gertrude. On the other hand, in Susan Gaspell’s contemporary play, Trifles, women are strong in character, protective of one another, and in charge of the situation, unlike Gertrude. Therefore, both Shakespeare and Gaspell have similar aspects of portrayal of the role of women, murder, and loyalty; and different aspects such as incest, suicide, and revenge. First, in the play, Hamlet, the males are depicted as dominant, strong, and rational; and the females are portrayed by opposing traits such as passive, accepting, hesitant, frail, and emotional. For instance, Hamlet referring to his mother as â€Å"Frailty, thy name is woman!†(I.ii.146) means that women are images of weakness, that women are weak-minded, easily led, and have no strength of character. To Hamlet, his mother's action of remarrying so quickly after her husband’s death to her brother-in-law, is a proof of her frailty. In today’s society, people also marry within the family thinking that there is nothing wrong with this scenario. However, this aspect discussed in the play cause great controversy because many people think that as long as there is love it does not matter who a person marries... ...h ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2002. 1394. Driver, Tom. The sense of history in Greek and Shakespearean drama.2nd ed. New York: Columbia University Press. 1961. Glaspell, Susan. Trifles. Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 5th ed. Ed. Robert DiYanni. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2002. 1616-26. O'Dell, Nick. â€Å"Same-sex marriages open door to consensual incest, polygamy.†8 Oct. 2003. . Shakespeare, William. Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. Literature: Reading Fiction, Poetry, and Drama. 5th ed. Ed. Robert DiYanni. New York: McGraw-Hill. 2002. 1394-1496. Suicide Prevention Website. Texans for Gun Safety. 2003. 06 Apr. 2004. . The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments. King James. Barbour Books. Uhrichsville: Ohio, 2002.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Donne’s use of conceit: Essay
The word conceit as a literary term can be defined is a â€Å"fairly elaborate figurative device†. The pleasure drawn form conceit is intellectual rather than sensual. John Donne has made abundant use of conceits in his love and religious poems to convey his message in a beautiful and intellectual way to his readers. He has made abundant use of metaphors, imagery and similes in his poems in order to pregnant them with aesthetic pleasure of first water. His poem ‘A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning’ presents a glorious example of the use of metaphorical conceits in the love poems. In this poem he discusses and compares the intricate web of relationship between love, soul and body with the drawing compasses. The basic them of the poem is that love is a strong and powerful passion and it has the power of keeping the lovers linked together no matter how vast the physical differences are between them they will eventually meet and live together just like when one arm of compass started its journey and get separated from its other half. At the completion of the circle the separated half comes back and becomes joined together with its partner. That is the case which John Donne wanted to make with respect to the pair of the lovers in his poem ‘A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning’ in which the lover says to his beloved, â€Å"Yet, when the other far doth roam,/ It leans, and hearkens after it, / And grows erect, as that comes home. †This basically implies that she must not fear the separation as the power of her love will guard him and bring him back to her at last. John Donne also makes a very good and meaningful use of conceit in his spiritual poems. For instance in his holy poem ‘A Nocturnal Upon Saint Lucy’s Day’ the use of summer solastics is made to convey in a marvelous way the hopes of the poet. He says in the poem that â€Å"TIS the year’s midnight, and it is the day’s,/Lucy’s, who scarce seven hours herself unmasks ;/ The sun is spent, and now his flasks/ Send forth light squibs, no constant rays ;†the real meaning of the poet is to present himself as an empty self which will be rejuvenated by love. â€Å"Rape of the Lock†and the satirical portrait of Belinda. The mock-heroic is defined as a style of writing in which a heroic manner is adopted to make a trivial subject seem grand in such a way as to satirize the style, and it is therefore commonly used in burlesque and parody. Alexander pope use this style in his long poem entitled â€Å"Rape of the Lock†to satirize the manners and life style of the fashionable society of eighteenth century England. The most important incident in the poem is the cutting of a lock of hair that resulted in the development of fight between two families, as he says â€Å"What dire Offence from am’rous Causes springs,/What mighty Contests rise from trivial Things, [I. 1-2]†. Belinda is the heroine of the poem and she is also served as the butt of satire by Pope. She is discussed as the vain and empty minded women of that fashionable society. Who cares more for her beauty and less for her religion and morality, he says that â€Å"And now, unveil’d, the Toilet stands display’d,/Each Silver Vase in mystic Order laid. /First, rob’d in White, the Nymph intent adores/With Head uncover’d, the Cosmetic Pow’rs. /A heav’nly Image in the Glass appears,/To that she bends, to that her Eyes she rears; [l. 121-6]. †Belinda is also criticized by Pope in the way she has placed bible among the other trivialities of her cosmetics, â€Å" Here Files of Pins extend their shining Rows,/ Puffs, Powders, Patches, Bibles, Billet-doux. [l. 137-8]†Belinda is discussed as the type of women of eighteenth century fashionable society who lived there lives just for the sake of gilded chariots, pearls and rubies, beautiful dresses, cosmetics, lovers and raising hue and cry over immensely trivial matters. They have no heart or mind for religion, morality, or any other serious discipline of life. Philip Sidney and Shakespeare’s sonnets: Sir Philip Sidney set the vogue of writing sonnet-sequences, In fact, after Wyatt and Surrey; the sonnet was neglected for a number of years. It was for Sidney to revitalize this form by composing one hundred and eight sonnets, all put in Astrophel and Stella, commemorating his fruitless love for Penelope Deveneux, the daughter of his patron, the Earl of Essex. Sidney wrote the sonnet, not to satisfy the call of the age, but to express his heart-felt love-experience. Sidney’s sonnets reveal a true lyric emotion. On the one hand, there is in these sonnets much of the conventional material of the Italian sonneteers; but on the other hand there are touches so apt to the situation of a man who loves too late that one hesitates to ascribe them to mere dramatic skill. In Astrophel and Stella, Sidney writes not because it is a pleasant add accomplished thing to do but because he must. His sonnets let out blood. As a sonneteer Sidney is placed next only to Shakespeare and Spenser. His best written sonnets are : Loving in truth, and fain in verse my love to show’ ; With how sad steps, 0 Moon, thou climb’st the skies’; ‘Come Sleep, O Sleep, the certain knot of peace’, ‘having this day, my horse, my hand, my lance’ and ‘No, more my dear, no more these counsels try’. Sidney’s sonnets are mostly written in mixed Italian and English forms. Shakespeare has followed the pattern of Surrey in his sonnets. Since he has made a splendid use of this form, it is known after him and not surrey, its real originator.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Methods of Learning: Advantages and Disadvantages
To design a learning activity or a learning program, there is a variety of learning methods which can be implemented to facilitate the learning process. These methods are divided into two main categories , trainer centered and learner centered. In the below table, I have listed different learning methods with the advantages and disadvantages of each one.Method Advantage Disadvantage Presentations 1. Save the time of transferring knowledge. 2. Gives the learners to compare their knowledge with the presented one . 3. Gives the Learner a chance to ask and discuss with the trainer directly. 2. Does not give the learners enough chance to control their own learning because it is trainer centered methodDemonstration1. Expose the learners to the best practice . 2. Considered as the first step to build the skills. 3. Save the time of sharing knowledge . 1. Unprofessional demonstrators can be a result of poor performance. 2. Does not show the reality on the work site .Group Discussions, meetings and briefings1. A quick way of sharing knowledge and skills. 2. Minimize the resistance of change 3. Learners can lead the meetings providing their agendas which meet their needs. 1. Does not involve practical part. 2. Discussions might miss the main topics and waste more time. 3. A few learners might control the discussions while the others are only listenersRole Play1. Learners can practice w hat they learn and share knowledge. 2. Build the sense of team work within learners . 3. Provide a safe environment for doing mistakes . 1. Might be over simplified , so does not reflect the real work. 2. It requires a feedback from the facilitator. 3. It improves skills only .E-learning1. Provide time flexibility for learners . 2. The learner lead the pace of the learning. 3. Can be accessed in different ways and from different places. 1. Minimize the sense of team work and sharing knowledge with others. 2. Requires anIT access and good network3. Boring for some learners styles such as the activists . On the job training 1. Expose the learners to the real work . 2. Gives the learners a chance to practice. 3. Give the learners to share knowledge with experienced employees. 1. Requires an experienced mentor . 2. Cannot be applied in organization where there is a shortage of manpowe . 3. Learners might feel demotivated with a busy mentor or staff.Blended Learning1. Variety of metho ds combined together. 2. It addresses all learning styles. 3. Improves the competencies through learning and practice. 1. Very costly in terms of money and time. 2. Requires availability of several learning resources and facilities .Coaching1. Addresses the exact needs of a learner 2. Maximize the learners satisfaction and self-esteem . 1. Very costly because it is one to one approach. 2. Requires an expert coach because it is applied for the management levels in most of the organization.Criteria of Choosing between learning Methods: 1. Learning Objectives : after analyzing the gaps between the current capabilities and the required capabilities, learning objectives will be generated to fulfill the learning needs.2. The learning budget: It plays a main role in selecting the methods which are most effective and efficient . Organizations with very limited budget usually use the internal resources and not interested on the methods which are costly.3. Timing : the work hours and the avai lability of manpower are very important criteria in selecting the suitable methods. Sometimes, e-learning is selected due to time restrictions within the organization or the function.4. Learning resources and materials: facilities, number of learners , learning aids and IT issues are put into consideration to select the suitable learning method.Learning Resources ,Facilities and Equipments and their Advantages and Disadvantages:Item Advantage Disadvantage Power Point 1. Easy to use. 2. Support the structure of learning activity 3. Display photos, charts and statistics. 1. Requires other equipment such as data projector and a computer. 2. Might be boring for some learners styles.Internet1. Easy to access anywhere any time. 2. Include lots of learning references and materials. 1. Requires good network otherwise the learners will not be able to learn properly. 2. Learners might not be focused to the main topic when using the internet.Videos1. Interesting for most of the learners . 2. I t is not costly and does not need more spaces. 1. Contain some cultural issues. 2. It is not applicable for special needs learners such as deaf or blind learners .A flipchart1. Very cheap. 2. Useful for learning activities and preparation. 3. Utilized to get the learners involved in the learning process. 1. Requires a space in the room to be stocked up. 2. Needs clear colors. 3. Not applicable for some learning methods such as e-learning.Books and Handouts1. Authentic references for learners. 1. New technology interference . 2. Need space or room for storing.Smart Boards1. Integrated technology 2. Interested for learner 1. Needs special training for users. 2. Very costlyClassroom or training halls1. Traditional and useful for group learning . 1. Requires a suitable preparation. 2. Not applicable for e-learning or mobile learning.Criteria for selecting suitable resources , facilities and equipment for learning activities: 1. Learners factors and learners styles : This selection is a result of analyzing the learners factors and needs such as deaf, blind, activists, theorists..etc. 2. Budget: After considering the assigned budget the suitable resources and facilities will be easy to identified . 3. Legislation : There are some learning legislations and policies which should be into consideration such as safety and health . 4. Nature of the learning activities or the learning methods : For example, e-learning requires the availability of computers or smart phone or devices. 5. Number of learners : This is very important criteria to identify the size of the class or the training hall . In addition, it enable the learning and development practitioner to identify the learning method .
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