Thursday, December 26, 2019
Money Can Buy Happiness. .Most Of Us Are Familiar With
Money Can Buy Happiness Most of us are familiar with the old adage, â€Å"Money can’t buy happiness,†but few question the validity of the statement and its meaning. The debate: ‘Can money buy you happiness?’ is a spirited debate that has been argued since currency came about. There are those that side with the popular saying and argue that money has no relation to an individual’s happiness. Those in support of the expression, â€Å"money can’t buy happiness,†state the claim that true happiness stems from internal feelings of self-worth, where meaning in life is naturally created by doing good, acting justly, and abiding by purity. Those that dispute the saying and believe the opposite have found a shared commonality in several contributing†¦show more content†¦If it were true, that there is no link between money and happiness, why have economists studied this connection for many years? In fact, in just the past 30 years, studies have shown there is indeed a significant association between money and happiness. Over the course of these studies, it has been determined that people in rich countries are far happier than people in poor countries (Maich 1). The relationship between wealth and happiness has even been described to be, â€Å"more complicated than the romantic entanglements of any Desperate Housewife†(Futrelle 1). It is true that the connection between happiness and money is intricate, however, the link is measurable. Based on a study done by the University of Michigan, it was found that, â€Å"a higher income leads to a greater sense of well-being,†which in turn, contributes to an individual’s happiness greatly (Kurtzleben 1). While the opposition argues there is no apparent link between wealth and happiness, it is clear to see that there is a very real connection between the two. Additionally, wealth and happiness now appear to be far more dependent on one anothe r than we may have previously come to terms with. It is ironic that the opposition, who argue there is no real relationship between wealth and happiness are the very people arguing that, if there is any link between the two, money only contributes to temporary happiness. Both of these arguments can be rebutted swiftly. It has already beenShow MoreRelatedThe Night I Learned That Money Can Not Buy Happiness906 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"That Was the Night I learned that Money can Not Buy Happiness†Ten years ago. One night I meet my friends at a coffee shop which we spend our time there weekly. It was a high-class coffee shop and expensive. Most of people there were rich. My friends are rich, so they do not care about spending their money for anything because their parents will give them more. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Auditing - Cardillo Travel Systems Example
Essays on Auditing - Cardillo Travel Systems Research Paper Cardillo Travel Systems Q1 The Security and Exchange Commission has a legal man to protect investors or the public from unscrupulous public companies that will falsify their account to portray a certain financial image. Investors or the public rely on the published accounts in making their decisions on whether to invest in a company (Dicksee, 2009). As such, if a company published inaccurate financial records the investors or the users will be deceived into investing in the entity or otherwise. Auditors are tasked with the duty of ascertaining that a company maintains proper internal controls, there is proper recording of an entity’s transaction, records meet the relevant provision of accounting and auditing and most importantly, the records make a fair representation of the state of financial affairs in the company. To establish the above matters, the auditor will seek clarifications from the accounting department and the company executive. If the company employees fail to pr ovide the much-needed cooperation to enable the auditor do his work properly, then the auditor should. In this case study, Cardillo’s executives cooperate with the intention to deceive the auditor. An amount $ 203,000 was recorded as an income that would be received in the current financial period yet it was a negotiated amount subject to a contract for expenses incurred to shift systems. The executives sought to justify its inclusion by deceiving the auditor. As such, they can be sued for making false representation to an outside auditor. The amount was to cover expenses relating to a shift from the American Airline Sabre system to the United Airline Apollo system. If Cardillo did not incur any cost in shifting from one system to another then the amount in question was refundable to United Airline. The amount was therefore receivable in certain issues transpired. Cardillo executives, in particular, Smith have a duty to disclose the true nature of any transaction in their boo ks. Cardillo as a public company has a duty to maintain accurate financial records. The entity’s transactions should be recorded correctly in the relevant accounts. Nonetheless, Cardillo’s executives are looking into ways of making the reimbursement to be received from United Airline seem like a income receivable in the current financial period yet the source documents relating to the transaction state that the two entities Cardiloo and United Airline are still negotiating. In addition, the income would only be receivable once the contract expires and Cardillo incurs expenses in transitioning from one system to another. Once the ruling on the suit was made, the executive are obligated to make a communication to the SEC with regard to the implications of such a ruling. Before the ruling, Cardillo was experiencing liquidity challenges, which were worsened by the judgment, which required the entity to pay $ 685,000 (The institute of internal Auditors, 2009). Such a matter should have been reported immediately to the SEC since it is material nature. The Cardillo executives violated provisions relating to insider trading which prevent managers or company insiders from using privileged information to buy or sell shares or stock. In the above, case Rognlien breaches the provision by reducing the stakeholders’ shareholding below three million dollars as set by the court. In addition, the details of the sale of stock were not disclosed fully. Rognlien should have disclosed the details fully prior to making the sale. Such a sale may result in the plummeting of the share value, which would result in losses for the members of the public who have invested in the entity. The SEC has a duty to ensure that such activities do not transpire in publicly traded companies. Q2 The AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct establishes the way in which individuals in the accounting professional should undertake their professional work. It also establishes their responsibilities to their employers and the public while also listing a number of values that should guide them. In the above cases study, there were numerous violations of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct. Smith was a reporting officer at Cardillo, whose work entailed recording transactions. He realized that the amount $ 203, 000 could not be recorded as an income for the current period as it was subject to negotiations and the organization incurring certain expenses. In this case, Smith was right to object such a step that would have compromised his integrity as an accountant (AICPA Professional Standards, 2013). Smith was therefore complying with the code of conduct while Rognlien was in contravention of the provisions and values of the code of conduct. Lawrence as an executive al so contravened the AICPA’s Code of professional conduct since he lied to the auditors that the amount $ 203,000 was a receivable income. The auditors were systematic in their work and later corroborated the details of the transaction. Shepherd, the auditor supervising the audit, complied with the provisions by approaching the suspicious transaction objectively and independently by corroborating various opinions on the matter to establish the truth. Q3 Cardillo executives’ action outside of the auditor compromised the ability of the auditors to unearth important information with regard to their clients’ records. Their action increased the audit risk of the entire process. For instance, the Cardillo executives were deceitful with regard to a material item in the receivable accounts. The treatment of the amount to be received by Cardillo from United Airline as income rather than a reimbursement can change the profitability of the organization or the opinion of the auditor. The auditor should have been more cautious in the management of risk with regard to this client since there are numerous contraventions of accounting and the SEC’s provisions in the treatment of various items. The fine passed on to the entity by a court ruling was a material item which can alter the auditors opinion yet it was not disclosed appropriately to the investor by the Cardillo executives which reveals that the executives intent to mis guide the auditors (Giove, 2003). Overall, the auditors were efficient in risk management since they unearthed all the relevant information to support an appropriate opinion. Q4 The five components of internal control were overlooked in Cardollo’s undertaking. For instance, there was no monitoring of the financial performance culminating in the underestimation of the loss by over three hundred percent. Periodic monitoring would have enabled the management to assess the profitability and estimate with relative accuracy the expected loss. There was no risk assessment in the entity, as the organization did not look into the possible outcomes of the case which would have necessitated the creation of a provisions to mitigate the losses expected in case of an adverse ruling. Q5 The auditor work entails verifying the records prepared. From the case study, it is evident that the management’s decisions play a vital role in the preparation of accounts. As such, evaluating the decision-making would provide the auditor with a better understanding of what is transpiring in the organization and how the management treated different accounting items for the sake of recording. Assessing management decisions would make the auditors’ work much easier and thorough. In conclusion, the auditors have a duty to evaluate the management’s decisions. References AICPA Professional Standards. (2013). Code of Professional Conduct and By laws. New York, NY: American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Dicksee, L., (2009). Auditing: A Practical Manual for Auditors. New York, NY: BilbioBazaar. Giove, F. (2003). Auditing Essentials. New Jersey, NJ: Research Education Association Press. The institute of internal Auditors. (2009). The Role Internal Auditing Enterprise-Wide Risk Management. Retrieved on August 9, 2014 from
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Equus Reading Response free essay sample
Shaffer’s play Equus is about Alan Strang and his perception on horses. Alan is currently being treated by a Martin Dysart, his psychiatrist, for blinding six horses. His psychiatrist tries to get Alan to explain what was going on and he eventually begins to open up. When Alan was a child, his mother was a Christian who read the bible to him every day. One day, his father destroyed a picture of the crucifixion of Jesus and Alan decided to replace it with a picture of a horse. During Alan’s childhood, he grew an attraction towards horses from cowboy movies, his mother’s stories, and his grandfather’s love for horses. Later in the play, Alan gets a job at a stable and meets Jill Mason. Jill convinces Alan to have sex with the horses because of his attraction. In order to have sex with the horses, Alan stabs the horse’s eyes because he believed that they were Gods. We will write a custom essay sample on Equus Reading Response or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He did not want the horses to see the sin he was about to commit to them. Alan’s early childhood affected the way Alan thought about horses greatly. The picture of Jesus that was replaced confused him and he replaced Jesus with horses in his head. When his mother would tell him stories from the bible, Alan had images of horses instead of images of Jesus. When he has sex with the horses, he stabs them in the eye because he believes that they are Gods. He did not want the Gods to see what he was about to do to them.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Valtari by Sigur Ros free essay sample
Some artists are like poignant downpours. They construct the music that plays at our most pivotal moments, when the seasons change and people walk out of our lives. These musicians are gifted beyond the textbook definition; they may not be virtuosos of their instruments, but they go further – they understand music and its relation to the human soul. Sigur Ros is one of those bands. The Icelandic quartet caught the attention of the music world in 1999 with their third album â€Å"Ag?tis byrjun,†translated as â€Å"an all right start.†Critics gave it widespread acclaim, and it was named to numerous â€Å"best of†lists. This breakthrough was followed by a handful of albums, each unique and foreign to American audiences including 2002s â€Å"(),†sung entirely in a gibberish language created by the band. Listeners are encouraged to decipher the meaning, and write their translations in the blank CD booklet. This year marked Sigur Ross highly anticipated sixth studio album, â€Å"Valtari. We will write a custom essay sample on Valtari by Sigur Ros or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page †It had been four years since their last offering, and listeners were eager to hear what the mysterious four had been working on. Fans anticipation climbed following bassist Georg Holms remarks that â€Å"its the only Sigur Ros record I have listened to for pleasure after weve finished it.†And after hearing it, I cant help but agree. This record bleeds unconventional optimism. Beneath the bands calling card of haunting music cascading with gentle sadness, there is light. Its subtle, but unmistakable. It mirrors life itself; there is no denying the pure beauty as well as the darkness in this world. On the title track, a ghostly melody plays over impressionist echos and winds, as if â€Å"Valtari†is the Earths lullaby. On â€Å"Varu?,†piano chords  repeat beneath soaring vocals, singing a language most listeners do not understand, but simply feel. It sinks into your skin, around your heart, through your brain. The album is storytelling with music, and what magnificent raconteurs they are. Eight tracks, between five and nine minutes each, carve their own path to some of the most scintillating sounds possible. In the silent moments after the closing track, â€Å"Fjogur piano†(four pianos), its as if the Earth has stopped rotating, giving the listener a brief sliver of time to truly realize the beauty of the world.
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