Thursday, August 27, 2020
An Evaluation Of Agglomeration Economics
An Evaluation Of Agglomeration Economics There are various focal points that might be delighted in by firms who situate close to different firms. These points of interest are known as agglomeration financial aspects or outer economies of scale. (Helsley 2003) These points of interest are known as outside in light of the fact that they don't emerge from the organization itself, yet from the outer condition. Comparative organizations that find near one another can create all the more productively and at a lower cost because of their capacity to practice, access to assets, decline in transportation and access to information and data. Two instances of zones that have profited by the agglomerating of economies are the oil and gas industry in Alberta and the Auto business in Detroit. These businesses emerged in their particular areas for various reasons however both offer the basic states of economies of scale and agglomeration financial matters. Both of these ventures exploit the areas by delivering all the more proficiently and boosting benefits. The Oil Industry in Alberta The most prestigious oil revelation in Alberta that truly pushed the business was made by Imperial Oil 1n 1947 when they struck oil close Leduc. ( Oil was anyway found in Alberta much before at that point. During the 1910s a rancher at Okotoks found gas and afterward during the 1930s oil was found underneath the gas fields. In light of these two revelations universal oil organizations started activities in Alberta, and in 1923 and 1939 Imperial Oil and British America Oil constructed treatment facilities in Calgary. In 1938 the Alberta government set up the Alberta Energy Conservation Board in 1938, this drove the path for Calgarys advancement of being the principle organization place for the oil and gas industry in Alberta. These early revelations helped divert Alberta from probably the most unfortunate region in the Nation into the multibillion dollar domain that it is today. The explanation that the oil and gas industry settled in Alberta was a direct result of geograp hic area, this is the place the main part of the oil and gas in the region lives. Since this industry depends on extraction and handling of a crude asset it expected to find where the asset is. Anyway government strategy has likewise helped shape the business. Government strategy, both at the common and administrative levels have affected the oil and gas economy. Like I recently referenced the commonplace government in 1938 arrangement of the AECB and this picked Calgary as the primary regulatory head for the business. All the more as of late other government programs have likewise helped shape the business by opening up business sectors and access to work, NAFTA is a case of this. When the business begins developing it makes numerous positive externalities that fuel the criticism circle which thus develops the economy some more. There are currently a few territories of the area that have concentrated considerably further and are presently observing their own agglomeration financial aspects a few instances of this are the oil and gas home office in downtown Calgary and Albertas Industrial Heartland north east of Edmonton. This zone comprises of numerous organizations represent considerable authority in the petro synthetic industry. These organizations situating in nearness enormously lessens their channel line costs since they would all be able to share one significant pipeline and afterward simply assemble minor lines to every one of their plants. In Calgary having such a significant number of organizations in closeness enormously speeds up to which correspondences and information can be moved and it additionally incredibly lessens scan costs for firms searchi ng for talented work. Having the oil business centered in Alberta has additionally helped in extraordinarily extending exploration and preparing programs for the business. Quite a bit of this has been created due to legitimate need since extraction is turning out to be increasingly troublesome and organizations need to practice further and further, directional boring and the oil sands are instances of this. The oil business has developed into one of the most persuasive parts in the area, and has left Alberta, with its recently seen money related security as appreciated. There are numerous components, for example, a steady government, government projects and motivations and new information and innovations that have all helped shape the business into what it presently is. Anyway it is difficult to attempt and over look the undeniable reality that the business is found where it is a direct result of access to the important asset underneath Albertas soils. Alberta has had the option to make this incredible agglomerated economy in light of the basic reality that the area contains gigantic stores whether they be shallow gas or the Oil Sands of Fort McMurray. Detroits Auto Industry Detroit or Motown is the main Vehicle producer in the United States. It was not generally along these lines be that as it may. The principal gas fueled car was made is Springfield Massachusetts in 1896. The primary vehicle to be worked in Detroit was produced by Olds in 1899. In any case, by 1904 42% of cars were worked in Detroit and afterward by 1914 this number rose to 78%. (McDonald 2007) From 1900 to 1930 the number of inhabitants in Detroit developed quickly from 305 000 to 1 837 000 individuals this was extraordinarily identified with the way that by 1929 the Auto Mobile industry in Detroit was the biggest business in the Country. In 1909 there were more than 200 car producers in the United States this number anyway dropped quickly until it was essentially simply the three based out of Detroit; General Motors, Ford and Chrysler. There are a couple of different elements that some have added to the achievements of Detroit, for example, the way that Detroit is a significant deliv ery port and this would give them access to modest transportation of crude assets, parts and markets. While geographic area may have assumed a minor job in the Auto business in Detroit it is generally perceived that it's anything but a key component in Detroits achievement. (Klepper 2001) The fundamental explanation is only the reality of Agglomeration Economics. Early vehicle producers were set up everywhere throughout the province, the ones that turned into the best coincidentally was the ones that were arrangement in nearness. Detroit previously had a delivery industry which implied that there was at that point talented mechanics that knew gas motors, this gave the car business access to these aptitudes. There was likewise as of now makers set up that could fabricate motors and parts. Since there were such a large number of producers in closeness this is were individuals started moving to look for some kind of employment, on the grounds that with such a large number of organizations near one another it made the most elevated chances of getting a new line of work. There was additionally overflow information that different organizations could gain from, for example, Henry Fords renowned innovation the mechanical production system. This enormously diminished expense and accelerate the time where an auto could be made. In 1910 it is said that the mechanical production system brought down the expense to create one Model T from $780 $360. (McDonlad) Once different fabricates in Detroit saw the incredible achieve ment of this they before long actualized sequential construction systems. 2 There are numerous advantages to organizations that migrate to a spot where there is an agglomerating economy. The most evident bit of leeway is economies of scale. At the point when an industry develops huge enough organizations begin to practice. At the point when a market is sufficiently enormous and organizations begin to practice at that point costs are diminished. In the vehicle business in the event that there are part makers and that is all they spend significant time in, at that point the auto makes might have the option to purchase items, for example, orientation for short of what they could deliver them inside. Or on the other hand for state the oil business there may be a type of penetrating issue and an organization needs an extraordinary bit of hardware, it doesnt make since for them to get it for only one issue yet there is likely another organization that has represented considerable authority in that bit of apparatus so it is less expensive just to employ them. Creat ion costs are additionally enormously decreased in an agglomerated economy as a result of a decrease in transportation costs, both of individuals and material. On account of the Industrial Heartland they would all be able to share pipeline costs as opposed to having to all form their own, this enormously decreases costs. Too if there is sufficient industry situated in a zone it likewise may turn out to be increasingly efficient to have a rail line put in. Also it bodes well to have treatment facilities worked in Alberta since this is the place the oil creation is so it saves money on transportation crude assets. Too in the two occasions it significantly diminishes on the expense of the exchange of information. At the point when a vehicle organization has an incredible new thought or a creation procedure and you are situated close to them, at that point the presumable hood of getting some answers concerning the thought and profiting by it is a lot higher. Also in either example on th e off chance that you have an issue and need assistance there is most likely somebody near you that has had experience managing that issue, or there may be specific research organizations set up for the business. At the point when you are working in a zone that is specialized it is imperative to approach the best personalities and new innovation. Also when you have the entirety of this information and involvement with your fingertips it doesnt feel as though youre alone, you are working under long stretches of past experience that has enormously decreased the hazard for your business in the business. For this situation there is a significant preferred position contrasted with somebody starting a business far away from the significant zone of impact. Just as there being advantages to the business and industry as an opening there are additionally favorable circumstances of agglomerated economies for workers. For example on the off chance that you were searching for an occupation in a car processing plant, you would like to go to a city where that are 5 manufacturing plants at that point go to a city with just one, your odds of effectively getting a new line of work increment if there are progressively potential positions. Too when there are more occupations in a territory a representative can single out and discover the position that most intently coordinates their range of abilities and wants. On the off chance that there are more occupations this likewise increment open doors for a representative to leave and proceed to work for the contender this
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Abstract for technical report about biofules in aviation Essay
Unique for specialized report about biofules in avionics - Essay Example These emanations are generally high and cause contamination that influences both the general public and the specialized development in the aeronautics business. This incorporates the annihilation of the O-zone layer and stopping up of the earth (Kemp, 2006). The destinations are accomplished using bio-powers to decrease contamination to the earth and lessen the expenses of running the flight business. The strategies utilized in the exploration included both essential and auxiliary information assortment techniques where the important information was accumulated, recorded and broke down. The utilization of bio-powers help in decrease of carbon IV oxide and other ozone depleting substances released for the time of its utilization. This limits contamination to the earth. Besides, it lessens the expenses of running cargo in the flying business because of its less expensive creation process when contrasted with non-renewable energy sources (Kemp, 2006). The subject of utilization of bio-energizes in the flight business is an essential issue to everybody on the planet. Essentially, it includes sparing the earth from the vaporous risks while diminishing expenses of running the business by creating a less expensive wellspring of vitality for the
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Learn a Language while Travelling the World
How to Learn a Language while Travelling the World Travelling is one of the international joys of the world. There are a variety of reasons to explore the world and not all of them are about relaxing and having fun. In fact, you could learn a new language while travelling around the world. © Shutterstock | EKSIn this guide, we’ll explore the benefits of learning a language while travelling and share two different language learning routes with you: enrolling in a course and learning on your own. Finally, we’ll provide you three keys to mastering a language while travelling.THE BENEFITS OF LEARNING A LANGUAGE WHILE TRAVELLINGBefore we examine the advantages of learning a language while travelling, it’s a good idea to understand the benefits of learning a language. There are multitudes of reasons for learning to speak in a different language to your mother tongue.The most impressive benefits of learning a new language include:It can improve your cognitive skills.It can boost your career prospects.It will make it easier to get integrated into a foreign culture.It will make you more flexible to move all over the globe.Furthermore, Kaplan’s fun infographic shows 270 British dating agencies have found the knowledge of a foreign language making people more attractive. In terms of money, the study also found that multilingual employees could experience a 20% increase in their salary in certain jobs.Watch the below YouTube video for more information on benefits to learning a new language: While the above makes learning a new language highly advantageous, there can be a few drawbacks to language learning as well. Perhaps the most obvious one is how learning a new language can take a lot of time and it requires plenty of motivation. This is especially true for mastering a language properly.Furthermore, keeping up the motivation can sometimes be difficult if progress is slow, but this is sometimes due to the learning methods we choose to use.In fact, many language students make the two crucial mistakes of learning solo, without no outside help or support, and learning too slowly. It can often seem like taking it slow is the best approach, but it can actually stall your progress if you keep going over the same things.Learning a language while travelli ng can therefore be a great way to solve those two problems and ensure you only enjoy from the benefits mentioned above.The advantages to learning a language while travelling include:You can’t escape the language or the need to learn it, as you are completely immersed in it.You can instantly see and enjoy the benefits of learning more, since you are able to communicate better with the people around you. This is a fantastic motivation booster.You learn the cultural context of the language and the everyday use of it instead of a textbook version.The more you learn about the language and its use, the more you are able to immerse yourself in the culture. This will open your eyes to the culture and the customs and you’ll expand your understanding of different people and cultures.You can meet new people, with some of them being fellow travelers and students trying to learn the language, and this is a great way to learn together.ENROLLING ON A COURSE VS. STUDYING BY YOURSELF â€" WHICH ONE IS FOR YOU?A new language can typically be acquired through two different routes when travelling the world: you can either enroll on a course in the destination country or you can study on your own while you are in the destination country.Let’s examine what options both of these routes offer, so you can see which one would suit your plans better.Enrolling on a courseWhen it comes to language courses abroad, you have plenty of different options available. When considering enrolling on a course, you should answer the following questions:Have I studied the language before or am I starting from no-knowledge?How long do I want to spend in the country?Am I looking to stay in a single location or move around?What else am I going to do while there? Will I simply study the language or also do other things such as work or study?The easiest option is often to find a language course, which lasts for a specific amount of time and find a course for advanced students or beginners. A number o f worldwide organizations offer these sorts of language courses. For example, you should check out organizations such as EF, STA Travel and Sprachdirekt.In addition, you can find smaller courses in your destination country and even the city. Simply go to Google and search for “[Your chosen language] language courses in [Your chosen country or city]â€.The above option can work well if you are interested in experiencing different parts of the country, as you could always spend a month or two in one destination and swap schools later as you move along.On the other hand, you could also consider enrolling on a university language program. If you are already studying at a university, check with your language and exchange program department what options might be available. Exchange programs are a great way to learn a language and experience a new culture. You should also check out the site for more information.Furthermore, university language courses are not only for stu dents. Many larger universities and institutions run summer language courses for adult learners and you can join these even if you’re not a student. It’s a good idea to check for universities and their options by searching for institutions online.Studying on your ownYou might be more interested in studying on your own while travelling the world and it’s not impossible to learn a language like this. Studying on your own gives you a bit more freedom in terms of how you spend your time and it makes travelling around the country easier.While there’s no exact pattern for learning on your own while travelling, there are certain routes you could keep in mind. These can make the process a bit easier and guide you to learn the language quicker.First, you could consider getting a job or becoming an au pair in your chosen country and use it as a stepping-stone to learning a language.Furthermore, you can try volunteering. There are plenty of organizations, such as BUNAC, which provide f antastic volunteering opportunities around the world and these can truly help you immerse yourself in a new language.Second, even if you are just leisure travelling, add language learning books, podcasts and other such materials to your study arsenal. It can help deepen your understanding and ensure you don’t overlook things such as grammar. The free podcasts in iTunes have available shows in languages ranging from French to Filipino. You should also try out apps such as Duolingo, which can get you started on the airplane!Finally, you should consider attending different meet-ups and conversation exchange meetings. These are not only great for enhancing your language skills, but also help you make new friends in the country. You can even help someone to learn your language, while they teach you theirs. Check out sites like and and Vat explain one simple method to learn any language in this TED talk. 3 ESSENTIAL KEYS TO MASTERING A LANGUAGE WHILE TRAVELLINGWhichever route you take, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. It’s quite easy to forget about the actual purpose of your travels (=learning a new language) and simply end up having fun abroad. Even if you keep studying, you need to focus on a few things to truly master the language and not simply learn a few phrases.The following three points are essential for taking your language learning to the next level.#1: Avoid your own languageIt is crucial to forget about your own native language while travelling and fully immerse yourself with the language of the country. This will speed up your language learning quicker than you know it.Avoiding using your own language will be more difficult if your native language is English, as it is the lingua franca. Nonetheless, whether your mother tongue is English or Swedish, you should avoid using it as much as possible. Only converse in the language you are learning and try to swap your thinking for that.This include s even the smallest of things like using your phone or hanging out in social media. Change the settings for the language you are learning to guarantee you see as little of your native tongue as possible.It’s common for people to seek the company of their compatriots, even when travelling. It’s a common phenomenon, which can be hard to avoid. But you should try to distance yourself from hanging out with people who speak your language and find friends who don’t.If you’re travelling with a friend, then try to ensure you don’t spend the whole time discussing in your mother tongue. For example, have a rule that you can also talk in your native tongue for two hours a day and use the language you are studying during the other time.Don’t hang out in restaurants, cinemas or other venues, which use either English or your mother tongue as their language. Instead, try to find the local venues and use the country’s official language when having fun as well.Avoiding either your moth er tongue or English in particular means that you might want to stay away from the big cities and other very touristy places. For example, learning Spanish might be easier in a smaller town of Huesca rather than Madrid.Some more tips on learning a new language. #2: Start speaking immediatelyAdults tend to have one particularly bad habit that hinders language learning: the inhibition of letting go. While children aren’t afraid of trying things they have no clue about or conversing in languages they don’t speak, adults find it hard to start talking in a language they don’t feel comfortable speaking.But in order to improve, you’re going to have to start talking. Whether you are familiar with the basics or you struggle to speak at all, you should use the language as often as possible. Don’t try to avoid situations where you could use to language, but instead, actively seek them.For example, you might know where the local bank is, but stop someone every once in a while and ask for directions. This will give you confidence to speak and you’ll get to practice those important skills. In the shops, ask for help and advice, even if you could manage without it. Throwing yourself in conversations might seem strange, but don’t try to avoid it â€" let go of those inhibitions.When you do start talking more, mimicking how the natives talk can be a good idea. Furthermore, if you are having a conversation with someone and you didn’t understand something or you are unaware of a specific pronunciation, ask questions.Most people are impressed with anyone who is trying to learn their language and are therefore more than happy to help you on your journey. But remember, when people do correct you or point out mistakes, you shouldn’t take it personally. This is only constructive critique and you should simply learn from it.Soon enough, you’ll start noticing a huge difference in your ability to speak. Regularly using a language makes you feel so much more confident in it and it helps you to memorize and learn words and grammar, without feeling like studying.Finally, as you start using the language on your travels, keep it simple. Don’t try to start talking complicated sentences or use extremely fancy words. Again, take notice from children and speak like one, so to speak.Simple and straightforward language won’t perhaps sound as sophisticated, but it’ll get you started. It’s much easier to understand, especially when you are likely to still make small mistakes and pronounce things differently to natives.At first, the key is to gain the confidence to talk and manage to hold a conversation long enough. After your vocabulary develops and you tune into the language of the locals, you’ll start almost automatically to create sentences that are more complex.In addition to using simple language, you shouldn’t start copying the local slang too much. Different regions typically have their own variations and slang words in every language. But the aim for you is to get a grasp of the language as a whole, not a specific regional dialect.#3: Listen activelyThe final important thing to focus on is listening actively. Be mindful of this, as it’s all too easy to think you are listening when you aren’t paying attention to the minor details. When you are listening, you should focus on the pronunciation and the flow of the sentences. For example, in languages such as Spanish, the emphasis is placed on different parts of the word and the sentence depending on the context.Paying attention to these intricacies will help your own speaking and improve your understanding. As mentioned above, you want to start mimicking the speakers and the best way to do it is by listening closely to the flow of the language.When you are hanging around town and exploring the new country, try to listen to people talking in different situations. Pay attention to the way the language is used and the tone the speaker is using in these various situatio ns. There are plenty of interesting conversations happening in the markets, at the parks and in the busses. Just remember to avoid being too nosy or invading people’s private space too much.Outside of hanging around and listening to people’s conversations, there are plenty of other ways to improve your listening skills. Learning a language while travelling is especially good because it’s easy to immerse yourself in the language.One of the simplest ways to listen more is by turning on the radio. Don’t get stuck in the channels that mainly play music (especially if it’s in English most of the times), but try to find radio channels with plenty of talking. If you’re into sports, then sports related radio stations could be the perfect way to spend time listening to the language. News channels are naturally another good option.In addition, watching the TV is definitely recommended â€" not to mention how easy it is to be hooked on local soap operas! You should also consider tur ning on the chosen language’s subtitles, if they are available. The same applies for movies. When you are watching movies, you can occasionally turn on the English subtitles, as it can help you learn idioms. Just ensure you don’t simply read the English subtitles and forget to listen to the language.Finally, a super funny show on learning English with comedy series. A must watch. ?? IN CONCLUSIONLearning a language while travelling the world is an amazing way to gain new experiences and quickly turn your language skills up a notch. The biggest benefit about practicing language while in a country where it’s the native language is the immersion you experience. Everywhere you go you are greeted with an opportunity to listen and speak in your chosen language.It is these opportunities that you must cherish and avoid falling back to using English or your own native tongue. Whether you learn with the help of a course or on your own, ensure you let go of your inhibitions and just expl ore the country and its language to the fullest!
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Worlds Newest Countries Since 1990
Since the year 1990, 34 new countries have been created, many as a result of the dissolution of the U.S.S.R. and Yugoslavia in the early 1990s. Others became new countries as a result of anticolonial and independence movements, including Eritrea and East Timor. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Fifteen new countries became independent when the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) dissolved in 1991. Most of these countries declared independence a few months before the Soviet Union officially collapsed: ArmeniaAzerbaijanBelarusEstoniaGeorgiaKazakhstanKyrgyzstanLatviaLithuaniaMoldovaRussiaTajikistanTurkmenistanUkraineUzbekistan Former Yugoslavia Yugoslavia dissolved in the early 1990s into five independent countries: June 25, 1991: Croatia and SloveniaSeptember 8, 1991: Macedonia (officially The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) declared independence on this date, but wasnt recognized by the United Nations until 1993 and the United States and Russia until February of 1994.February 29, 1992: Bosnia and HerzegovinaApril 17, 1992: Serbia and Montenegro, also known as the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Other New Countries Thirteen other countries became independent through a variety of circumstances, including independence movements: March 21, 1990: Namibia became independent of South Africa. Previously, Namibia was known as South West Africa when the latter was officially a German territory.May 22, 1990: North and South Yemen merged to form a unified Yemen.October 3, 1990: East Germany and West Germany merged to form a unified Germany after the fall of the Iron Curtain.September 17, 1991: The Marshall Islands was part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands (administered by the United States) and gained independence as a former colony. On this date, Micronesia, previously known as the Caroline Islands, also became independent from the United States.January 1, 1993: The Czech Republic and Slovakia became independent nations when Czechoslovakia dissolved. The peaceful separation was also known as the Velvet Divorce, after the Velvet Revolution which had led to the end of communist rule in Czechoslovakia.May 25, 1993: Eritrea, which was part of Ethiopia, seceded and gained independence. The two nat ions later became involved in a violent war over disputed territory. A peace agreement was reached in 2018.October 1, 1994: Palau was part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands (administered by the United States) and gained independence as a former colony.May 20, 2002: East Timor (Timor-Leste) declared independence from Portugal in 1975 but did not become independent from Indonesia until 2002.June 3, 2006: Montenegro was part of Serbia and Montenegro (also known as Yugoslavia) but gained independence after a referendum. Two days later, Serbia became its own entity after Montenegro split.February 17, 2008: Kosovo unilaterally declared independence from Serbia. The representatives of the Kosovo people unanimously agreed that the country would be independent of​ Serbia despite the objections of eleven representatives of the Serbian minority.July 9, 2011: South Sudan peacefully seceded from Sudan following a January 2011 referendum. Sudan had been the site of two civil wars, and the referendum received near unanimous approval.
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Socialism A Controversial Topic That Americans Either...
S By: Jaden Fisher 05/4/16 ocialism is such a controversial topic that Americans either love it or hate it. People are either educated on the consequences involved with adapting a socialist government or they firmly believe that socialism will be the solution for the United States’ problems. To tell you the truth, socialism will have a negative effect on our society. It may not seem as though capitalism is working for the U.S. based on its huge national debt as well as its wealth disparity, but staying a capitalistic country will help out in the long run. Maintaining capitalism is not the only problem that the U.S is facing. With the upcoming election in November 2016, 47% of U.S citizens are unware of socialism s effects, as they would†¦show more content†¦Although there are many forms of socialism, it was originally created by two German Philosophers named Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. These two men wanted to solve Europe s capitalism dispute by creating a system that terminated social classes, as well as allowing workers to be able to control their means of production and receive equal wealth for the products they produced (â€Å"Socialism†). Some of the most notorious men in history were socialists. Adolf Hitler; dictator of the Nazi Party was a national socialist, and Joseph Stalin was a dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Party. Adolf Hitler was well-known for the brutal abolishment of Jewish citizens during the Holocaust, and Joseph Stalin had started the Cold War but had also done an equivalent amount of killing as Hitler (â€Å"Prentice Hall World History Book†). There are most likely more socialists in history who were quite notorious, but these were the most notable socialists, and therefore goes to show the possible outcome of having a socialist leader. Another outcome of socialism would not only be death and misery, but communism. The founders of Socialism, had intentions that Socialism would transfo rm into communism which is one of the most despised forms of government in the world (â€Å"Socialism is the 1st Step Toward Communism†). There were also many socialist’s thinkers in history who had tried to make claims about the economic inequality in the country they
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Marketing Analysis Diamond Snow Slope Apparel - 1706 Words
Diamond Snow Slope Apparel will carry a wide variety of top of the line quality ski and snow board apparel and accessories. Our styles and selections will range from the basics and trendy style of outdoor snow apparel. We plan to purchase through a variety of distributors located across the globe. Our specialty will be offering outdoor snow sport apparel that are unique in color and style to fit our customer base. Diamond Snow Slope Apparel is organized as a Limited Liability Corporation in the name of Tami Pellas. Diamond Snow Slope Apparel will occupy a 2500 SQ FT space at nearby Amazing Ski Valley Resort. Diamond Snow Slope Apparel Business Summary Diamond Snow Slope Apparel is organized as a Limited Liability Corporation in the name of Tami Pellas. The store location will be near the Amazing Ski Valley Resort in a location that is zoned for commercial use. A street-level entrance leads into a foyer and parlors which are already renovated to accommodate the business. Pre-built shelving with lighting will highlight the items, while tables will hold display special and sale items, and accessories. The location is already equipped with a security system with monitors and if fully prewired for phone and internet. Diamond Snow Slope Apparel will use a point-of-sale system to handle in-house sales. Website sales will be processed by an online credit card processor affiliated with our web hosting company. The planned operating hours will be Monday - Friday 10Show MoreRelatedAnalysis Of Garmin And Black Diamond5606 Words  | 23 Pagescome together to form this product we chose Garmin and Black Diamond. A product name which resembles our brand name (Garmin) and the product itself (Walking poles and canes) had to be used. Hence Garmin-Stick was born. II. Background The two companies which are coming together have a great name in their respective industries already. The two companies which are coming together to create the brand new Garmin-Stick are Garmin and Black Diamond. Garmin Garmin is the leading worldwide provider for navigation1Read Moremarketing questions13877 Words  | 56 Pagessingle-source system b. marketing information system c. primary data system d. marketing decision support system e. database marketing system   ____   2.  The function of _____ is to address what if questions. It entails planning, collecting, and analyzing data relevant to marketing decision making, and the communication of the results of this analysis to management. a. data collection b. proactive marketing management c. decision support d. marketing research e. single-sourceRead MoreBrand Building Blocks96400 Words  | 386 Pageslargely limited to low-quality, low-price products unsupported by effective packaging or marketing. Given these characteristics, they enjoyed only temporary sales spurts during recessionary times. No more. While still offering so-called price brands, retailers are also increasingly offering private label brands at the high end of the business. Such brands are competitive with national brands in quality and marketing support but have substantial cost advantages - in part because the cost of the brand
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Literature Review on How to be Efficient at Work-Free-Samples
Question: Write a literature review on how to be efficient at work. Answer: How to be efficient at work It is important to be efficient at work so that the activities can be conducted smoothly. It is seen that at workplace efficiency and productivity are always helpful to build a better environment for the organization. According to Maslow "efficiency at the work can be enhanced by motivation. If motivation is given to the employees then it can be seen that there is an increase in the overall productivity level". Maslow also introduced Maslow hierarchy theory that states that basic needs should be fulfilled so that employees can work with dedication towards the activities of the company. In the theory, there are basic needs, safety needs, belongingness needs and esteem needs that are important for the employees to conduct the activities. If these basic needs are fulfilled then it can be easy for the employees to conduct the activities with efficiency. To enhance the efficiency of work it is important to keep a clean and orderly workspace so that the overall productivity can be enhanced (Healy, 2016). If the employee is working in the office it is important to arrange the office space and desk so that the work can be conducted easily. The office employees who are managing the documents should clearly keep the documents in space so that it can be taken easily at the time of requirement. According to McGregor, it is seen that the impact is on productivity and performance of an employee if they have a different lifestyle. If his approach is considered then it is seen that many times what other perceive us influence us more but the performance of the employee also depends on the activities of the individual. In the recent scenario, the managers of the company emphasize on motivating the employees and also to create a positive environment so that the efficiency in the working pattern of the employees can be increased (Murphy Cooper, 2003). According to Wagner and Hollenbeck (2014), it is seen that X and Y theory is known as common sense theory that helps many people to enhance the overall productivity of the working pattern. Theory X employees emphasize on monetary benefits and theory Y workers emphasize on enhancing the lives and independence. They said that theory X workers are not reliable and are lazy towards work and theory y workers try to maintain goodwill in the organization. So the overall performance and productivity can be enhanced by the employees of this theory is considered in the organization. If this theory is taken then proper evaluation is done of the employees. The founder of apple also considered this theory that assists the team members to work with efficiency and dedication towards the activities of the organization. According to Pervin (2015), it is important to create a positive environment so that efficiency of the employees can be enhanced. If there is a positive environment in the company then it can positive results on the candidates who are conducting the activities. The companies should also give training to the employees so that they understand the working pattern and can enhance their efficiency towards the work. It is also seen that various companies have to face the problems related to high retention of the employees just because the employees do not emphasize on repetitive tasks. According to Miner (2015), Goal setting theory should be adopted so that the enhancement takes place in the overall productive performance of the employees. Goal setting theory assists the managers to consider SMART goals for the employees so that the activities can be conducted in a proper manner. Efficiency at the workplace can be increased by breaking the responsibilities into managerial pieces so that the big projects that are taken by the employees can be completed on time. If the employee breaks the responsibility then it can be easy to complete the task with full efficiency. It is also important to delegate the work if there is workload on one person as it helps to enhance the efficiency and also helps the company to attain overall profitability in a proper manner. The managers or the top management should conduct the meeting in every week so that the employees can know where they are lacking in their work and it is important to give proper guideline so that they can implement it on their routine activities and can complete it with efficiency. One of the effective ways to enhance the efficiency of the work is to enhance the communication pattern of the employees. So, it is important to increase the efficiency so that goals can be achieved by the organization (Kiresuk, 2014). References Healy, K. (2016). A Theory of Human Motivation by Abraham H. Maslow (1942)reflection. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 208(4), 313-313. Kiresuk, T. J. (2014). Goal attainment scaling: Applications, theory, and measurement. Psychology Press. Miner, J. B. (2015). Organizational Behavior 1: Essential theories of motivation and leadership. Routledge. Murphy, L. R., Cooper, C. (Eds.). (2003). Healthy and productive work: an international perspective. CRC Press. Pervin, L. A. (Ed.). (2015). Goal concepts in personality and social psychology. Psychology Press. Wagner III, J. A., Hollenbeck, J. R. (2014). Organizational behavior: Securing competitive advantage. Routledge..
Monday, April 6, 2020
Charles Dickens Essays (2110 words) - Gothic Novels, Charles Dickens
Charles Dickens Charles Dickens Dickens has always presented problems for literary criticism. For theorists whose critical presuppositions emphasize intelligence, sensitivity and an author in complete control of his work the cruder aspects of his popular art have often proved an insurmountable obstacle, while for the formulators of traditions his gigantic idiosyncrasies can never be made to conform. If difficulties such as these have been overcome by the awareness that Dickens sets his own standards, there remains a further problem: his won lifetime Dickens has invariably seemed as much an institution as an individual. The institution of the ?Dickens of Christmas', celebrated by Chersterton. The change may perhaps be defined by suggesting that it is now becoming increasingly necessary to insist that he was. Dickens's art was at once varied and constant; if themes, emphases and preoccupations developed towards the ultimate pessimism of Little Dorrit, and Our Mutual Friend, it is important to remember that Flora Finc hing and her aunt are cousins, not far removed. When he collapsed in 1870, having almost completed the sixth instalment of Edwin Drood, the manner of his death was peculiarly appropriate: his audience were left in the state of anticipation to which he had accustomed them, but this time there was to be no resolution. In the nineteenth century the writing of novels emerged from a permitted indulgence to an acceptable career. It is customary to think of Dickens as a critic of much of the Victorian ethos, but whatever reservations the novels may express about self-aggrandizement, no career could demonstrate the ideal of the self-made man more effectively than his own. The facts of Dickens's early life have been rehearsed frequently enough and there is little need to recount them here other than to emphasize the extent to which Dickens, the chronicler of afflicted children, saw in his own childhood the archetypal experience of the child frustrated by the pressures of an urban and commercialize environment. The account of his childhood employment in the blacking-shop, which he gave to his biographer Forster, has often quoted: The deep remembrance of the sense I had of being utterly neglected and hopeless; of the shame I felt in my position; of the misery it was to my young heart to believe that, day by day, what I had learned, and thought, and delighted in, and raised my fancy and my emulation up by, was passing way passing away from me, never be brought back any more, cannot be written. My whole nature was so penetrated with the grief and humiliation of such considerations, that even now, famous and caressed and happy, I often forget in my dreams that I have a dear wife and children; even that I am a man; and wander desolately back to that time of my life. (John Froster, The Life of Charles Dickens, Bk. I, ch. 2) Dickens is self-indulgent in this reflective mood, but the complaint is supported by the facts, and the tone of the passage, especially of its conclusion, was to be transmuted to the tone of David Copperfield and Great Expectations. A glance through the list of novels shows the extent to which Dickens's life was dominated by the demands of authorship, for apart from the gaps between the last three items there is scarcely an unproductive year. When one considers how each of the novels appeared in either weekly or monthly instalments, and that they were supplemented by short stories and occasional journalism, as well as, from time to time, the duties of an editor, it can fairly be said that Dickens's literary activity over a period of more than thirty years was uninterrupted. Serial publications thus posed its own technical problems and to a large extent dictated their solution. It had the effect of intensifying the relationship between the author and his audience to a degree that can perhaps be compared with the oral narrative poem of the Elizabethan stage. Tome some novelists, the need to tailor their novels to popular demand was a source of irritation. More than technical issues were at stake. In two vital areas audience-demand was a controlling factor over the content of exploitation of sentiment. The emphasis on the pathetic can be attributed to some extent to popular demand: it
Monday, March 9, 2020
Analysis of a Vacant Position in an Organization
Analysis of a Vacant Position in an Organization Abstract An organizations workforce is its most important asset. Managers today are looking at new and innovative ways for recruitment and selection of new workers due to the range of complexities involved in the mobility of employees in and out of the organization and their interaction with potential colleagues. Many changes have occurred within the 20th century and organizations now place much importance on flexibility and the rapid pace that takes place within the workplace. The labor force market today is mainly driven by unemployment and there are many individuals willing to take up job that are offered without considering their interest, qualifications and fitness to take up the job. Organizations are on the other hand taking up the advantage and leaning towards recruiting these desperate individuals to minimize costs of maintaining highly qualified workers. With the situation at hand, the recruitment process has, therefore, turned out to be tougher than it has ever been. As a result, many ethical issues come up. An understanding of business ethics is generally an issue that is still developing.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Analysis of a Vacant Position in an Organization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This paper aims at shading light on these ethical issues, with reference to a departmental manager job vacancy that was announced by a newspaper firm in Australia. It gives a brief overview of the job description for departmental manager position and the recruitment methods to be used and their relevance. The paper also goes further to discus the ethical and legal issues affecting recruitment, and incorporates the relevant theories associated with these issues. Introduction Workers are a fundamental component of every organization. These people are the primary machinery of the business and they are indispensible since they carry out the tasks necessary for the business or company. In recognition of the importance of the human factor in organizations, most companies have a Human Resource (HR) department which is charged with among other things hiring of new employees. The labor force market today is mainly driven by unemployment. Compared to the situation in the past, it is relatively easier to find a willing worker for a given position today than it was in the past. Most employees today are, therefore likely to end up in wrong jobs contrasting with their qualifications and even interest. This unfortunately translates into a disadvantage to the firms (Becker Gerhart 1996). Even so, as much as countries suffer from high unemployment rates on one side, firms in the same countries suffer from lack of suitable candidates for work. This phenomenon is probably caused by the absence of fit between the qualifications possessed by possible workers and those needed by the firms. With the situation at hand, the recruitment process has, therefore, turned out to be tougher t han it has ever been. It is much easier for a recruitment process to result in a wrong employee because employees are mostly driven by desperation rather than passion to take up any job that comes their way (Schwartz 2010). E thical issues, consequently arise from this complex situation. Firms are increasingly tempted to overlook the legal and ethical considerations for recruitment (Ryan 2006). In this paper I will analyze a vacant departmental manager position advertised by the leader newspaper organization. I will specify the various recruitment and selection strategies that can be used to obtain the best hire and discuss the ethical and legal implications of my selection choices.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Overview of departmental manager position: sales department Department manager is an important position in meeting the profit goals of the organization. The managers oversee all the functions of a sales department. They implement strategies and oversee the departmental employees to increase productivity. It is their responsibility to maintain and implement merchandise presentations, directing the daily activities in the store and reconciling averages or shortages to balance daily cash transactions. The departmental manager will conduct seminars and trainings to build skills and motivate their team members. He will perform continuous assessments on the productivity levels of employees and help them in achieving their sales goals. He will be relied upon to come up with methods that will benefit their departments and business at large. They implement changes as initiated by the company and support business efforts. By training their staff on sales pitches and stress management techniques, they help organizations in maintaining quality customer service (Brannick Levine 2002). This directly translates into higher sales in the organizat ion and new business opportunities. Recruitment methods Person-based analysis Skills Recruitment is the process of identifying the need in an organization to add an employee to fill a given role and announcing a vacancy position to the public or prospected candidate for the same. When recruiting for the above described position, I will post an advert in a daily public newspaper announcing the vacancy. This will be to maximize the number of people who will have knowledge of the vacant position. Word of mouth within top rank managers in the organization will not be the primary form of communication for this position as it is the case in many organizations today (Warren 1999). The announcement will be open to the public and will not give preference to any group of individual on the basis of race gender, religion or color. The advert used in this case is an open opportunity to all applicants, not specifying minimums in terms of education level or qualifications. It however specifies that the applicants should be enthusiastic, dynamic â€Å"people focused†leaders. Such open vacancy announcements encourage many applicants and do not hold the possibility of locking out talent. The ethical and legal implication As humans, our lives are guided by rules and standards which tell us how to act in given circumstances. In most cases, these norms are well established over many years and they are referred to as ethics. Chryssides and Kaler (1993) proceed to define ethics as a system of moral principles which assists in judging social conduct as â€Å"right†or â€Å"wrong†and this system is important for harmonious coexistence in the society.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Analysis of a Vacant Position in an Organization specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The ethical implication of my choice of recruitment will be to offer an equal opportunity to all interested candidates. Family and political connections will not come before skill and competency as the key factors in this process of recruitment. On the part of legal measures, it is illegal to give preference or discriminate against job applicants in terms of race, sex, religion, color, marital status, political stand, place of origin, and physical or mental disability during job postings (Guardiano 1994). Job requirements should be described in a way to give all potential applicants a chance to apply (Ryan 1995). In addition to this, since Australia is a multicultural community which harbors some minority and disadvantaged groups I shall have to consider whether there are any affirmative action programs in place. Affirmative Action consists of a set of antidiscrimination measures put in place which are intended to ensure access to some positions by society members who would otherwise by under-represented or entirely excluded (Kellough 2006). Selection Process Selection follows recruitment and it involves choos ing a suitable candidate from the submitted application forms to fill the post. Selection is geared towards matching people to specific jobs. This is considerably one of the most essential elements in successful people management of an organization. After receiving a pool of applicants as an outcome of the job posting, I will base on several methods of analysis to select applicants who qualify for an interview. By looking at the many application letters that I will receive, I will first perform a person-based analysis for the departmental manager position, by looking at personnel skills and competency of the applicants (Milkovich Newman 2010). Skill-based analysis During the selection, I will require a minimum qualification of a bachelors degree in business or a related discipline for this position. I will require that the successful applicants be well equipped with Information Technology skills to manage and plan business activities and records. Training skills are essential to help the manager in recruiting, coaching and assessing employees, and it will be an added advantage to those applicants who will have stated these skills in their application letters. (Brannick Levine 2002). The ethical implications of the skill-based analysis will be to give priority to the highly qualified applicants for the good of both the organization and the society.Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More During interviews, I will ask direct questions that offer an explanation on the job requirements and expectations. This will be to give the applicants a clear understanding of what will be expected from the position give me a chance to observe their immediate reaction, helping me to identify the best candidate for the job. I will take care to avoid unlawful and discriminatory questions. Asking questions on prohibited grounds such as whether an unmarried applicant intends to get married or have children will only increase the possibility of locking out talents on uncertain grounds. Such questions may also attract legal questioning of my company and increase the risk of facing legal confrontations. Basing interview questions on general assumptions, for instance, asking an applicant whether they have children to disqualify them from a job position that requires long working hours is discriminatory and ethically unacceptable. Competency analysis For an organization to prosper, it is m andatory for the employees to provide high quality work. This is because the individual performance of the employees brings about organizational success. The increase in the performance and productivity of individual workers is a primary concern of the company and it is one of the ways that a business is able to counter increasing costs of running the business. Solid authoritative personality and prior managerial experience demonstrated during the interview will help me qualify the applicants and eventually come up with a shorter lest of individuals capable of maintaining and improving company standards and implementing business strategies to help improve sales. The successful applicants should demonstrate their awareness of the business competitors and industry development (Atchison, Belcher Thomsen 2010). Recruiting personnel basing on competency is ethically approved for this position because, being a leadership position, competency is a key factor in commanding respect from the workers under him. The successful applicant will need to have outstanding interpersonal, communication and customer service skills so as to enforce the provision of quality customer service (Ryan 2006). To get the best candidate for the position, I will further make calls to check the reference for the job applicants, who have convinced me during the interview, especially to their former employers . I will ask questions concerning their reliability and punctuality at their previous work place. I will not base on discriminatory questions such as the number of sick leaves taken by an applicant at her former employer. This will be to keep my recruitment process ethically sound (Alexander Buchholz 1998). Motivation Levels Motivation is essential for people in all avenues of life since it brings about increased performance. Its importance is even more accentuated in the workplace setting where increased performance leads to the success of the organization (Chryssides Kaler 1993). As a process, motivation involves engaging a person such that they show desirable behavior or perform certain required action. A hire who is intrinsically motivated to perform desirable activity will be the most relevant for the post. I will therefore run background checks on the potential employee’s previous employers to inquire as to his/her level of motivation. Theories in the recruitment and selection process Three theories of recruitment have been involved, basing on three ways by which employees make the decision to join an organization. These are the objective factor theory, critical contact theory and subjective factor theory (Delery Doty 1996). (a) Objective Factor Theory Under this theory, an organization recruits its employee from a pool of applicants basing on his education qualification and other special qualifications such as the length of experience. Delery and Doty (1996) reveal that on the other hand, the employee joins an organization basing on the location o f the organization, pay package, nature of work and other opportunities such as educational and career growth opportunities. (b) Subjective Factor Theory Under this theory, the employer looks at the capability of the applicant in relation to the position in terms of personality and fitness. The employer also concentrates on the general competencies of the applicant such as communication skills and possession of a foreign language (Delery Doty 1996). An employee is, therefore, chosen with regard to the compatibility of the applicant in terms of individual personality, to the general image of the organization. (c) Critical Factor Theory Here, the recruitment process is geared towards discovering and filtering potential, not just for the anticipated vacancy in an organization, but to search for potential prospective employee. This is normally the case where the labor conditions in the country favors the employees, where there are plenty of vacancies and scarcity of qualified personnel (Delery Doty 1996). In this case, the employer is interested in applicants’ potential, success level at projects handled and critical incidences in the applicant’s work experience. Discussion and Conclusion The cost of hiring new applicants is high and it is therefore in the best interest of the company to reduce turnover by selecting the most appropriate applicant for a position in the first instance. Human Resource managers are therefore looking for new and innovative ways to recruit and select workers today. However, today’s environment is dynamic and HR managers have to face a wide range of complexities when hiring employees. Before selecting potential employees, a firm should undertake a recruitment process that is directed towards attracting a large pool of qualified applicants. Selection method should be aimed at identifying the best qualified candidate possible from the large pool of applicants. The ideal worker is one who is both competent and motivat ed. An understanding of business ethics is generally an issue that is still developing. Recruitment process should always be based on legal and ethical standards to protect an organizations’ reputation as well as minimize the risk of legal confrontations. Job offers and postings as well as interview procedures and questions all need to observe the legal requirements. In all the recruitment process steps, the prohibited grounds should always be kept in mind and all questions should be asked in to give all applicants a fair chance to respond basing on the job needs. Such practice and recruitment process culture will eliminate the risk of an organization being charged with discriminatory hiring practices. Good recruiting will also foster an organization’s positive reputation in terms of good business and ethical practice. This makes the recruitment process easier for the organization. It should be noted that interviews are like advertising opportunities and all the interv iewed candidates should leave wishing that they could work for the organization. References Alexander, G J Buchholz, R A 1998, â€Å"Corporate social responsibility and stock market performance†, Academy of Management Journal, 22(3), 479–486.. Becker, B Gerhart, B 1996, â€Å"The impact of human resource management on organizational performance: Progress and prospects†, The Academy of Management Journal, 39(4), 779–801. Brannick, MT Levine, EL 2002, â€Å"Job Analysis: Methods, Research and Applications for Human Resource Management in the New Millennium†, Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage Publishers. Chryssides, G Kaler, J 1993, An introduction to business ethics, Cengage Learning EMEA. Delery, JE Doty, DH 1996, â€Å"Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurational performance predictions†, The Academy of Management Journal, 39(4), 802–835. Guardiano, J 1994, Developin g Standards of Business Ethics in Poland (Center for International Private Enterprise, USIS American Embassy, Stockholm. Kellough, JE 2006, Understanding Affirmative Action: Politics, Discrimination, And the Search for Justice, Texas: Georgetown University Press. Milkovich, GT Newman, JM 2010, Compensation, London: McGraw-Hill Education. Ryan, LV 2006, â€Å"Ethical issues in business†, Journal of Business Ethics (2006) 66: 273–290 _ Springer 2006 DOI 10.1007/s10551-005-5598-7 Ryan, LV 1995, â€Å"Ethical Perceptions of Polish Business Students†, Business Ethics: A European Review, 4(1), 36–42 Schwartz, MS 2010, â€Å"The State of Business Ethics in Israel: A Light unto the Nations†, Journal of management Ethics, DOI 10.1007/s10551-011-1004-9 Warren, R 1999, â€Å"Against Paternalism in Human Resource Management†, Business Ethics: A European Review 8(1), 1.
Friday, February 21, 2020
Unequal Distribution of Property and Factions Research Paper
Unequal Distribution of Property and Factions - Research Paper Example The government must, therefore, protect these rights as they develop on the identified individuals with the abilities and the talents, as the key responsibility of the state is to protect its entire citizen and their wealth (Mill and Ryan, 2006). The government will tend to do this by enacting policies and rules that are geared towards the protection of both talent and ability. Talent and ability are one of the greatest resources of any given country since as the individuals become creative in the efforts to enrich themselves resource wise, they, in turn, lead to the growth and development of the whole country and its inhabitants. It is certain that property in the society is not divided equally and the property that is not divided equally exist in different forms which include the following:- there is the category which involves either land or business property. Some of the property owners in the society own property in form of land and indeed large tracts of the land depending on their ability to acquire the land (Rousseau and Cress, 1987). The other groups in the society own property in form of business ventures and franchises operating them jealously and zealously practices that are normally unfair and unjust. Moreover, it is coupled with a lot of irregularities and unfair practices; some of these practices are either ethical or unethical in nature. The round objective though is one that of acquiring property; hence, protection from the government of the abilities and the talent if called for (Mill and Ryan, 2006). The other reason that individuals in the society own wealth or property in an unequal manner are because of the sole reason that there are many injustices in democratic governments of the day. Â
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Genocide in Sudan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Genocide in Sudan - Essay Example This essay describes the events, that began when the African tribes of the Dafur region of Sudan rebelled against the Arab government in Khartoum. The government, led by the National Islamic Front, suffered initial reverses at the hands of the rebel groups, the Sudan Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement. Tied down by the ongoing civil war in the South, Khartoum devised a vicious counterstrategy. A tribal Arab militia, was unleashed in Dafur with carte blanche to crush the rebels. Thus began one of the most diabolical campaigns in the history of mankind, aimed at wiping out the African tribes of Dafur. With a mortality rate of 450,000, this is an unequivocal instance of genocide which requires immediate action from the international community. Fact-finding missions, humanitarian agencies, and the media have all documented the atrocities. This essay discusses term genocide and analyzes hard facts. From media accounts to the heartrending testimonials of survivors, attes t that what is happening in Sudan is â€Å"a government backed campaign to wipe out a race†.The genocide in Sudan is there for all the world to see. Over three years of indifference, prevarication and self-interest has kept the world deliberately blind. In conclusion, the researcher states that the international community should not be held to ransom by considerations of political alignments or the dictates of the marketplace. After all, those 32,000 barrels of oil per day, which is Sudan’s output, do not have to be paid for with the blood of Dafurs’ Africans.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Slow And Filters And Rapid Sand Environmental Sciences Essay
Slow And Filters And Rapid Sand Environmental Sciences Essay Water Purification is a process in which the unhealthy water that is contaminated, unclean, adulterated, and poisoned is converted into safe drinking water through various stage processes rendering it safe for drinking and everyday use. Water Purification is done almost every day in every part of this world. The increasing population and industrialization is generating more and more threat to the drinking water sources as a lot of harmful chemicals are being released either intentionally or unintentionally into the sources. In most of the cases we cannot see these hazardous chemicals, but they pose a great threat to our health and lives. To treat water before being brought to use, various purification methods have been developed. They vary in their design, method of filtration, equipment used, efficiency, location and various other factors. Natural water is available from various sources like ground water, lakes, rivers and pond. It is very hard to find a pure water source in nature. Making the need to treat water and purify it before consumptions makes important. One of the objectives of water treatment and purification is to treat water from the best possible source to improve its various physical qualities, improving its taste and odour and eliminating all of the harmful contaminants. Various impurities can be classified as suspended impurities(remain in suspension), dissolved impurities(dissolved impurities and responsible for taste and odour) and colloidal impurities( electrically charged and never settle). Table 1 shows the various constituents of the impurities present in water and there effects. Ss+Tech+guide. Water for domestic use should be : Colorless and have no suspended solids; Odour free and must taste good; Free from disease causing organisms; Free of halmful salts and objectionable minerals; Free from dissolved gases which can he harm full; Should be non-corrosive in nature; Ss+Tech+guide. Table 1: Suspended and dissolved impurities in water ss+tech+guide One of the most important parts of the treatment process is Filtration. Filtration is a process in which solids particles in suspension in liquid medium are passed through porous media through which only liquid can pass away. It is required in conjugation with some kinds of chemical treatments to disinfect water of biological disease causing pathogens. [2] Crittenden, J. C. (2005). Water treatment: Principles and design (2nd ed., p. 868). New Jersey: John Wiley Sons, Inc. The various types of filters used are Gravity Filters Vacuum Filters Pressure Filters Centrifugals and Centrifuges PROCESS OVERVIEW Suspended matter present in water makes the appearance of water cloudy; this physical characteristic is known as turbidity. This suspended mater may consist of floc, microorganisms, algae, iron, silt and manganese precipitates and also some precipitates which remain after the various earlier stages. These suspended materials are filtered by passing water through granular beds, mostly composed of layers of sand, gravel, coal. As the process goes on and on and when the head lost is more than the permissible value the filter bed is backwashed or top soil is scrapped off and brought back into operation. But there need to be a second tank which will be operation as the first one is being backwashed or top soil is scraped off. The various other important processes in the water purification process are: Screening Aeration Coagulation Floculation Sedimentation Disinfection Stabilisation Water requirements of a city/town can be divided into five categories: domestic or residential use institutional use public or civic use industrial use water system losses DESCRIPTION A sand filter is very simple in its opertion and design. It is merely a bed of sand with support of layer of gravel, in a big box like structure. Provided with various fitting for inlet and outlet of water. A set of valves to control head during various situations. Below the gravel layer are underdrains required to remove the filtered water. Before dissipaion into the sand bed the energy of the water is to be reduced so that it doesnot erode the sand bed, also reffered to as short circuiting. There is headloss during the fileration process, it occours mainly due to accumulation of particles at top surface or due to microbial growth at he surface. The filters are backwashed when stage is reached below which any head loss cannot be tolerated. For backwash the outlet valves are closed and water is made to move in opposite direction. Manual of slow sand filters Chapter 2: COMPARISON Thogh both slows sand filters and rapid sand filters function under the action of gravity and mostlly have same constituent parts yet they differ in various factors which are explaind in Table 2 below. Slow Sand Filters Rapid Sand Filters 1. Rate of Filtration 1-3-10 m/day 100-125-300 m/day 2. Depth of Bed 0.30m of gravel 1.0m of sand 0.45m of gravel 0.75m of sand 3. Size of Sand 0.25 to 0.35 mm Uniformity Coeff: 2 to 3 0.45mm and higher Uniformity Coeff: 1.5 and Lower 4. Length of run 20 to 30 to 60 days 12 to 24 to 48 hours 5. Penetration of Suspended Matter Superficial Deep 6. Preperatory treatment of Water Generally aeration Flocullation and Sedimentation 7. Method of Cleaning Scraping Back washing 8. Cost of Construction Operation Depreciation of plants Higher Lower Lower Lower Higher Higher 9. Amount of Wash Water 0.2 to 0.6% of water filtered 1-4-6% of water filtered Table 2: Comparison between Slow and Rapid Sand Filters. Class notes Chapter 3 : SLOW SAND FILTERS 3.1: Introduction Slow Sand Filters are the original form of Filtration. The history date backs to 1804 when John Gibb of Scotland used the technique of filtration to treat water for his bleachery. He used to sell the surplus water to the public. The first large scale use of sand filters was in London to treat water of River Thames in 1820. Slow Sand filters are a viable water treatment solution. Though there are some difficulties faced involved in implementation and working of the system. It possess high initial cost and its use has seen a declining phase due to few resasons but is again gaining importance after the outbreak of Cryptosporidium in Milwaukee(1993) as they are superior to Rapid Sand Filters in removing pathogenic microorganisms. The various advantages of slow sand filters over Rapid sand filters are that it is highly efficient in removal of bacteria and viruses responsible for transmitting water related diseases. Also there is no usage of chemicals involved neither do we need any highly skilled and continuous supervision. Undeniably slow filteration is best suited for rural areas as there are low running costs. Slow sand filters What happens in Slow Sand Filters is that influent water seeps through the sand bed under the action of gravity. The sand used is less uniform as compared to that used in the Rapid Sand Filters. The most of the filtration is performed in the top few centimetres of the sand bed. The process involves two stages, one being the filtration stage and the other being the regeneration stage. Slow sand filters are not backwashed as Rapid Sand Filters, in place the filter is drained off and the top few centimetres of sand media are scraped off and the filter is placed back to work. 4 prelimi 3.2 Advantages The various advantages which slow sand filters posses are that theyare really very simple in design and operation. They also require minimum chemical and power requirements thereby making it an appropriate technique for removal of suspended organic and inorganic matter. They are also very effective in removal of pathogenic organisms from water source. Because of this reason they are gaining back importance as compared to Rapid sand filters. It also helps in reduction of bacteria and various organic levels, thus helping to reduce the amount of disinfectans to be used and thereby reducing the disinfection byproducts in treated water. Other advantages which they posses are that ther are minimal sludge handling problems, no expert supervison is required and also local labor and materials can be brought to use. 3.3 Disadvantages On the other hand it possess few limitations such as they require a large land area using large quantities of filter media. It also requires more of manual labour for cleaning. The sand filter can get easily clogged if turbudity levels are high in source water. Even if the nutrient content is low it may hinder in the turbudity removal action as some nutrient are needed for promotion of biological ecosystem growth. They do not completely remove all organic chemicals and dissolved inorganic sustances. Also very fine clay particles are not easily removed using slow sand filters. As the water temperature drops the biological activity drops and similar is the case in slow sand filters that if the influent water temperature is low it will decrease the biological activity within the filter making it less effective. 3.4 Factors influencing Efficiency: The removal of microbes and organism is slow sand filters are performed by biological processes. And the various factors affecting the growth and functionality of bacterial growth also affect eh efficiency of slow sand filters. The various factors can as stated as below Time: the minimum and bed depth should not be less than 0.7m and flow rate around 0.1 and 0.3 m per hour, as higher the time for reaction on the filter bed higher would be the efficiency attained. Oxygen: Oxygen is important for bacteria as it uses it for its activity. If the amount of oxygen in incoming water is low or there is high organic content it would cause the filter to be less effective. Temperature: temperature is not an issue in hot countries but in countries with cold conditions they affect the efficiency as lower the temperature lower will be the biological activity in the filter bed. Maturation: Sufficient time should be provided for the biological activities to take place. Also the filter should not be cleaned too frequently. Ss tech guide for slow sand filters CHAPTER 4- DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 4.1 Design Principles 4.1.1Sizing the Filter Bed The very first step in the design is to size the bed. The depth and base area are two parameters which help to drive the rest of the design. Bed area is determined by the Hydraulic Loading Rate (HLR) selected. Hlr should be so selected such that it considers both the cariation over daily cycle and the increase each year. Pilot plant studies performed can help in determining performance characteristics. Area The bed area is calculated using the following equation. In which HLR= hydraulic loading rate (m3/m2/hr or mgad) Q = flow (mil L/d or mgd) A = bed area (m2 or acres) Depth of Sand The depth of sand bed is determined using the number of years the filter is to be designed before there is any need for resanding. Year of operation is determined as follows Where Y = years of operation Di = depth of initial sand bed Df = Depth of final sand bed before rebuilding is required R = depth of removal F = frequency 4.1.2 HYDRAULICS The various functions for which hydraulic analysis are required are to distribute raw water on the sand bed, collection of water, drainage of headwater, control of flow through the filter, and measurement of the headloss. DISTRIBUTION The influent water needs to be distributed throughout the surfaceare uniformly as if entire influent water is delivered at same point, short circuiting of flow would occour. To control this kinetic energy of flow must be either distributed or dissipated. It is a matter of judgment to choose exit velocity and pipe size as there is not much of flow criteria in existence. Figure below shows a system of pipes for how distribution of water may be done. Fig : showing an approach for distributin of water over sand bed. Collection A system of underdrains need to designed for the collection of filtered water. Drainage For the need to scrap the sand bed, the headwater must be drained off to a level below the the sand bed surface. The figure below explains how the drainage occours in two stages. One being done at the top surface removing the top portion of headwater and the second being at the bottom removing the rest of remaining water. Fig: Shows drainage points BACKFILLING After the drainage has been done and the scrapinf of the sand bed has been done there is need to backfill. Fot this we may use the filtered water from other sand filters operating in parallel. The filtered water is fed back to the recenlty scraped filter system using a system of valves as shown in the following figure. The Part a shows the filters working in normal condition with all valves closed. Part b shows the backfilling of filter 1 from filter 2 nad the filter 3 continues with its operations. The backfilling is done till the depth of water reaches around 1 ft above the sand saurface. It should be boted that amount of water in storage tanks should be sufficient to satisfy the demand as filter 1 and 2 are not in operation. fig. showing the various stages of backfilling. FLOW MEASUREMENT There is a need to monitor the influent and effluent flow throughout the operation so as to maintain a constant supply and hydraulic head to satisfy the demand. For this various flow measuring devices are installed at various points like at inlet to the pland and at oultel. Also they are applied at the various inlets and outlets to individual filters. Also these meters help in keeping a record for the water demands of the community. Fot it various euipments are used such as à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Flow Control There is a 24 need to control the flow of water. There is a need to keep a check on the influent amount of water so that a constant supply is maintained. Also there is need to control flow at the effluent end of the plant to adjust according to the daily nad hourly variations in water demand. Headloss Measurement Headloss measurement is important for the continous operation of the filter and to maintain a constant head throughout the supply. When the loss of head if below the required value is reached the scraping of filter is done followed by backfilling. To measure the headloss Piezometers need to be installed. One of it needs to be connected above the sand bed and the other to the tailwater basin. 3.5.1 Design Capacity Slow sand filtration is best suited and cost effective for population range between 30,000 to 40,000 as compared to rapid sand filtration. It shoul not be used for population higher this range because for it we need to build more number of filteraton units, and for that larger area would be required. Also if there is need for additional pre-treatment facilities like sedimentation, as always is the case, more area would be required. 3.5.2 Quality considerations of influent water The limit for turbudity of influent water should not be higher than 20 Nephelometric Turbidity Units (NTU). But for ideal conditions it should be less than 10 NTU. If the turbudity for influent water is higher than 20 NTU, the water need to be pretreated with facilities such as grit chamber, settlink tank or a combination of various other pre-filtration systems as shown in figure below. Ss tech guide Figure 2: Schematic sequence of water treatment facilities when using slow sand filter ss tech guide Pretreatment Facilities Fot the pretreatment of the water we may make use of Grit chambers, sedimentation tanks or roughing filters. Each of these is explained as follows. Grit Chambers: These are also called as coarse sedimentation tanks. The maximum speed of water flow is around 0.75m/s. In case of the retention time it need not be very long, just a few minutes would be sufficient. In this coarse particles are removed before water goes to the settling tanks. Sedimentation tank: Settling of fine suspended particles is done in the sedimentation tanks. The detention time is around 2 hours. These are further of various types like type I, II, III and IV. 3.5.6 Design criteria For the design of slow sand filters various design criteria shown in Table 3 can be used. Also to make sure there is adequate water supply and slow sand filter function properly, the flow rate should be maintained between 0.1 to 0.3 cubic meter of water per hour per square metre area of filter media. Table 3: General design criteria ss tech guide 3.5.6 Determination of size and number of slow sand filters: From the point of effluent quality, the weakest part is the edge of the filter bed. As the raw water may leak and pass the sand filter if attention is not taken while the design and operation of the filter. The way to minimise this is that the filters should not be made too small. The recommended size is around 5 m2, a workable size is around 100 m 2 , with a maximum of 200 m2. The system needs to have a minimum of 2 filters, to make sure one is in operation while the other is being cleaned. But a recommended value of 4 is good to ensure an increased and sufficient amount of treated water supply. The following empirical formula can be used to calculate an approximate number of filters required. n =  ½(A) (1/3), or n =  ¼ (Q) (1/2) Where, n Number of filter units A Total required area in m2 Q Average daily water demand expressed in m3/hr 3.5.7 Filter bed and filtration sand size of slow sand filter: There are various alteranatives to sand in sand filter bed like crushed coral or burnt rice husk. But the use of sand remains the most efficient and effective. The sand to be used is expressed in its effective size (D10) and its uniformity Coefficient. Where D10 is defined as the sieve opening that permits passage of 10% of sand by weight. And Uniformity coefficient is defined as the ratio between D60 and D10. UC = D60 / D10. The values of effective size and uniformity coefficient can be determined by performing sieve analysis as follows. Also the value of D10 for a continually operated filter is around 0.15 to 0.30mm. A mixture of 4 or 5 smaples is taken randomly to form a representative sample for the sieve analysis. It is washed to remove any impurities. Take 500 gm of the sample and using a mechanical sieving shaker, sieve it for 15 minutes. Sand retained on each sieve is weighed and added to the previous one. The grain shape for the sand filter should be perfectly round. It should be free from any clay, soil or organic matter. If the influent water is expected to be high in carbon dioxide, then there should be less than 2% of calcium and magnesium carbonates. Three important considerations should be kept in mind before deciding on the thickness of the filter bed: Immidetialtely below the top surface lies a zone in which purifying bacteria thrive. The thickness of this zone is around 0.3 and 0.4 m(in case of high filtration rate) Under this zone chemical reactions take place. It may be described as mineral oxidation zone, in which organic materials released in zone 1 are chemically degrade. Thickness of this zone is around 0.4 and 0.5 m(when water has high organic content). In total the thickness of zone 1 and 2 should not be less than 0.7m in any case. With Continuous operation for one to three months the filter starts to get clogged and the top 1-2 cm of sand bed is scrapped off including the filter skin. This layer is not replaced immediately, but done after some time. So provisions should be made for successive cleaning throughout the period. 3.5.8 Under-drains Under drains helps in efficient operation of filter. It assists in both providing support to the filter medium and to drain of the treated water to escape from the underside of the filter. Since it is laid below the sand bed, the under drainage system cannot be cleaned or repaired without any major disturbance to the sand bed. So care should be taken while designing that it doesnt get choked by granular material. One of the simplest designs consists of the main and lateral drains. Lateral drains consists of perforated PVC pipes or glazed pipes laid with open joints covered with gravel with successively increasing grain size to prevent intrusion to filter medium. In large filters it is mostly constructed of concrete as compared to PVC pipes in small filters. Figure à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ shows various arrangements for construction of under drain. Special considerations need to be taken care of while designing under drain system for perforated pipes as explained in tableà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Figure: Arrangements for main drain Figure: various types of filter bottoms Table: Criteria for dimensioning under drain using perforated pipes Factors to be considered for the gravel layer supported by the under drains. The gravel layer is built of number of layers, with fine at top to coarse at the bottom with gradually graded grains not differing by a factor of not more than 1.41. The bottom layer of gravel should have a grain diameter of at least double the size of the openings into the drainage system. Each successive layer should be graded such that the its smaller dia (D10) particle diameter are not less than four times than those of layer immediately below. If the joints are 8mm or less wide, the following values for D10 and D90 would be sufficient with three layers. D10(mm) D90(mm) Top Layer 1 1.4 Second Layer 4 5.6 Third Layer 16 23 In slow sand filters the gravel should conform to specifications similar to filtering medium, like it also should be hard, rounded, free from sand, clay, dirt and with specific gravity of at least 2.5. Also after immersion in concentrated hydrochloric acid for 24 hrs. The weight lost should not be more than 5% by weight. For the thickness of the layer, it should be at least 3 times the diameter of the largest stone. The gravel layer should be placed with care as any movement may disturb the filter sand above or may choke the under drain. 3.5.6 Factors influencing slow sand filtration efficiency Since the process of removal of microbes and organisms in filter is completely biological, the efficiency depends on various factors such as time, temperature, oxygen and the beneficial microbes. They are explained as follows Time: For biological processes to take place time plays a critical role. So sufficient amount of time should be provided for the reactions to take place. Time is determined by the depth of sand bed provided and the flow rate. The sand depth should not be less than 0.7m and flow in between 0.1 and 0.3 m per hour. Oxygen: Oxygen I required for the activity of bacteria in the filter bed. So sufficient amount of oxygen level should be maintained in incoming water as low amount would affect the efficiency of the slow sand filter. Temperature: Hot temperature is best for the bacterial activity. Its not a problem in hot countries, but in cold countries attention need to be given to the temperature conditions. Maturation: Bacterial growth is not that fast during the initial stages of the filter and also after every time it is cleaned. So it is suggested not to clean the filter bed too often. 3.5.7 Effluent Quality The performance of slow sand filter in terms of various factors like colour, turbudity, organic matter, etc. are given in tableà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Table.. Performance of slow sand filter
Monday, January 20, 2020
Animal Testing :: essays research papers fc
Animal testing is an issue in today's society that, whether anyone realizes it, does affect each of us. Such as transplants, vaccines, and medicine. Nearly each and every one of us today have received vaccine shots. We have all used medications. We have all heard of transplant technology. This above example I have used is farfetched. Brain transplants are not an everyday occurrence. They are not yet, at least. However, kidney and heart transplants are beginning to become a more and more common every day. Who knows what is possible with the proper research. Today there are a great deal of people who oppose animal testing in laboratory research. This is limiting our medical capabilities . Could we be holding ourselves back from medical breakthroughs such as a cure for cancer or AIDS? Animal testing is already controlled to a great extent. Many cats and dogs are killed annually by shelters and pounds. Animal testing is not as cruel as it is portrayed and is an essential to reaching medical breakthroughs. Special controls on laboratory animals have been in place since 1876. These have been revised in 1986. These laws are now more commonly known as the revised Animals Act of 1986. This law allows for scientist to perform testing while also safe guarding the animals. Prior to any testing a cost benefit analysis must be applied. In this analysis they review the potential research benefits with the potential for animal suffering. All registered facilities are also required to establish an Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) that reviews and approves procedures involving animals before they take place. This organization also inspects facilities semiannually for compliance with the AWA. At least one member of the committee must be a veterinarian. At least one member must be a "public" member, not affiliated with the institution, who represents the general community interest in the care and treatment of the animals. Research facilities must undergo many regulation to ensure animal safety. These regulations are being met on a monthly basis. (#2) There are approximately 56-100 million cats and 54 million dogs in the United States. It is estimated that 2,000 cats and 3,500 dogs are born every hour. There are an estimated 15 million dogs and cats that are put to death in pounds and shelters each year. These cats and dogs are put to their death for the lone reason that the pounds and shelters are overcrowded. Approximately 17-22 million animals are used in research laboratory's each year. That is just about 5 million more animals put to death in labs than are put to death in
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Gambino cleaning products salesman Essay
Description of the proposed system Description of the problem A new system of calculating and reporting on cleaning products salesmen is to be designed and implemented. Cleaning products salesmen commission is based on a set of data which is the monthly sales of cleaning products sold by the salesmen. Objectives The new system must:  Be automated as far as possible, needing no thorough knowledge of spreadsheets, databases or any other software in order to operate it.  Have fitted controls to ensure precision and completeness of data input.  Take into account commission payments from monthly sales. Print commission reports for each of the salesmen, and a summary report showing total paid to each salesman and overall total. Include an option to delete commission records previous to a given date so that the file does not increase for an indefinite period. The proposed new system can be shown in a level 0 data flow diagram as follows: A level 1 Data Flow Diagram of the proposed system is as follows: User functions 1. The Commissioning Salesman in the Sales Department will be responsible for entering all details of new cleaning products salesman and new products. 2. An Accounts clerk will have special responsibility for the commission system. 3. The Accounts clerk will enter each month the sales of each product, giving quantity sold and gross sales value (i. e. quantity X cover price). 4. Every 6 months, the Accounts clerk will produce the Commission reports for each cleaning products salesman. This will show the commission that has been earned in the previous 6 months. A payment is then recorded and a cheque issued to each cleaning products salesman to whom commission is due, together with the Commission statement showing sales details, and the statement from the Accounts system the total amount due. Database specification Menu structure The many functions of the Commission System will be accessed by means of a front-end menu, which will have the following structure. The data model There are three main entities in this system related in the entity relationship diagram shown below. Because a many-to-many relationship cannot be applied in a relational database, an additional entity named Salesman/Product is introduced. The ERD can now be drawn as follows: The database for Gambino cleaning products salesman system specification will have the following tables: tblSalesman (SalesmanID, Surname, FirstName). Foreign key in tblSalesman/Product ProductName Text (40) Product title tblProduct SalesTeam Text (40) All salesman who sell a product tblProduct Price Currency Product price tblProduct StandardCommission Number Percentage commission on each product sold 1-10 tblSalesman/Products BonusCommission Number Bonus percentage commission on each products sold 11-20 tblSalesman/Products SalesNumber Number 1=Standard commission 2=Bonus Commission 1 or 2 tblSales QuantitySold Number Number of products sold tblSales GrossValue Currency Data Dictionary Input Specification Three input forms will be required. frmProducts. This will be used to enter product details. frmSalesman This will be used to enter details of a salesman and all products on which they receive commission. The commission percentages for each product will be entered in a subform of the main form. Validation methods: The Product ID will be selected from a drop-down list of existing Product ID’s. Once a Product ID is entered, the product name will be automatically displayed. frmTransaction This form will be used to enter transactions. Validation methods: Only valid dates will be accepted. The Product ID will be selected from a drop down list of existing Product ID’s. Once a Product ID is entered, the product name will be automatically displayed. Selecting a radio button so that only a valid alternative can be selected will choose the transaction type. Process Specification Commission Calculations To calculate the commission for a given transaction, a query has to be performed to combine attributes from tblTransaction, tblProduct, tblProduct/Salesman and tblSalesman. The calculation of the commission is performed as follows: If TransactionType = 1 (i. e ‘sales’) ThenRate = StandardCommissionRate ElseRate = BonusCommissionRate endif Amount = Rate * GrossValue. These processes will be carried out in qryCommission. This query will be the source of both the commission report and the summary report. Maintenance Each year, transactions prior to a given date will be removed from tblTransactions. This prevents the transaction file from becoming too large and slowing down the system. The maintenance will be carried out as follows: Run a Delete query to delete records from tblTransaction. Test Plan Tests will be carried out using valid and invalid data and data at the extremes of acceptable values. The following test data will be used. tblSalesman Salesman ID Surname Firstname STEVED Stevens David. Test urpose Expected result 1 Select enter data from main menu, then select Products. To check if the menu options work and that a Products form opens at a new record. Products form opens at a new record. 2 Enter data from test data set. Try entering an invalid date i. e. 3/9/2001 To check the menu options work and that the Salesman form opens at a new record. Salesman form opens at a new record. 3 Select Enter Data from Main menu and then select Salesman. To check if the menu options work and that the Salesman form opens at a new record. Salesman form opens at a new record. 4 Enter data from test data set. To check if valid data is accepted. All valid data accepted. 5 Try entering product ID of BB113. Test that no product can be entered unless it exists on product table. Record rejected. 6 Select Enter Data from Main menu and select Sales To check the menu options work and that the sales form opens at a new record. Sales form opens at a new record. 7 Attempt to enter a new sale with date 3/9/2001 To test if date is validated. Error message will appear on leaving field. 8 Select reports from Main menu then select Product details. Test to see if the Product details display all products entered. All products appear on the report. 9 Select report from the Main menu then select Commission report. Check to see if Commission report details are correct. User is asked to enter start and end dates for report. All commission is calculated correctly. 10 Select Reports from Main menu the select Summary report. Check that Summary report is correct. User is asked to enter start and end dates for report. All totals are calculated correctly. 11 Add 2 transactions for dates in 1999. then select Maintenance from Main menu and identify deletion of records prior to 31/12/1999 Check that Maintenance option deletes records prior to date user enters. The two records are deleted from table. 12 Add a transaction for 31/12/1999. then select Maintenance from Main menu and identify deletion of records prior to 31/12/1999. Check that maintenance option deletes records for date user enters. The record is deleted from table. 13 Select Exit from Main menu To check if the main menu option works correctly. Database closes. Development Plan The planned schedule for development is given below. Week beggining Task Comments 29/01/2004 Detailed design spec 29/01/2004 Tables created 01/02/2004 Input forms created 15/02/2004 Queries and reports created Reports on products and salesman 21/02/2004 Standard commission report created 27/02/2004 Procedures for clearing file developed Clearing records prior to given date 29/02/2004 Testing and modifications 03/03/2004 Testing and modifications 06/03/2004 Documentation 08/03/2004 Installation and entry of master file data. A period of parallel running will follow with reports produced from old and new systems. Conclusion The system will be implemented by Microsoft Access 2000. It will run on any existing PC. The database will be accessible from any of the Departments which are responsible for keeping the data up to date. These departments include Accounts and Sales departments. The system is expected to be tested and installed by the end of April 2004. Sunit Dhadra 12K AVCE ICT AVCE ICT Unit 1 Sunit Dhadra 12K AVCE ICT.
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